
The Hidden Details and Circumstances Surrounding the British Foreign Office’s Position on Ambassador Giles Lever

Dr. Muzamil Abuelgassim

The British Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO) conducted an internal assessment of Britain’s position on Sudan. The evaluation concluded that the current ambassador, Giles Lever, caused significant damage to the British foreign policy, particularly regarding human rights, war crimes, and crimes against humanity in Sudan. This could potentially expose the FCDO to legal issues, given the UK law’s global jurisdiction concerning such crimes or attempts to cover them up. Lever was criticized for aligning politically with specific parties in Sudan, sending misleading reports about their popular acceptance, and misrepresenting decision-making trends within the British Foreign Office, negatively affecting Britain’s stance in the UN. Financial support provided to the “Taqaddum” conference via an intermediary organization (GPG) lacked transparency procedures, leading to concerns about the diversion of developmental funds for political purposes. Lever’s reports misrepresented Britain’s position, appearing lenient towards war crimes and crimes against humanity in Sudan, potentially leading to internal legal scrutiny. Britain’s recent stance on Sudan was heavily influenced by the former US ambassador, John Godfrey, making Britain seem subservient to US policies rather than having an independent stance. Lever was given the choice between station relocation and administrative accountability, resignation, or dismissal. This decision coincides with impending UK parliamentary elections and the increasing likelihood of the Conservative Party’s defeat, potentially leading to significant changes in British foreign policy. British Foreign Office officials, led by Permanent Under-Secretary Sir Philip Robert Barton, seek to shield themselves from accountability for their Sudan policies, as it reflects the Conservatives’ foreign policy failures, sacrificing Lever to protect themselves.

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