
SAF shoots down Drones that attempted targeting military sites in the White Nile and Khartoum

Sudan Events – Agencies

The SAF air defenses shot down Drones on Friday that attempted targeting three military areas in the White Nile and Khartoum states.
Identical sources said, according to “Sudan Tribune”, that the commandment of the 18th Infantry Division of the SAF in the city of Kosti in the White Nile state, shot down two Rapid Support Forces RSF Drones that targeted the division’s headquarters without causing any losses.
The same sources reported that another RSF drone also targeted the Kenana Air Base in the White Nile state, but the air defenses were able to shoot down the drone.
The SAF’s anti-aircraft weapons in Wadi Saydna military area, north of Omdurman, also dealt with two drones and shot them down without causing any damage.

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