
New Confirmations of huge Losses in oil sector

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Director General of Administrative Affairs at the Sudanese Oil Corporation, Ahmed Abdel-Baqi, affirmed that the Ministry of Energy and Oil has continued to provide community services in the fields of health, water and education to areas located in the areas of oil production, transportation, refining and export since oil extraction, and it has included many states under the name of the social responsibility program before the decline in production and the destruction of oil fields and facilities and the cessation of refining due to the war that has inflicted huge losses on the oil sector, expressing his hope that the war will end and the displaced and refugees will return to their homes and that everyone will enjoy stability.
This came when the Ministry of Energy and Oil (Wednesday) provided various food supplies to the displaced persons shelter center in the Transit neighborhood in Port Sudan, which includes more than 180 people from different states of Sudan, including those suffering from difficult health conditions such as kidney failure, childbirth cases, and material and environmental conditions, especially after the summer season began in the Red Sea State.
Emphasizing the interest of the Ministry of Energy and its continuation despite the war conditions in providing water and other services and what can be provided, particularly in the cellular areas located in the vicinity of companies, harnessing most of the companies’ mechanisms to serve citizens, such as water tankers and ambulances for companies.
For his part, Naji Al-Tayeb Mohamed Ahmed, the center’s supervisor, said that this center was opened at the beginning of this year 2024 and the center includes 48 families with more than 180 members from the states of Darfur, Khartoum, Gezira and Kordofan, including children, women and patients who need water, food and permanent treatment, revealing the very difficult conditions that some suffer from due to their health and financial conditions.
He said that we have cases who endured the hardships of traveling from the far west to the far east to reach this center, Port Sudan, next to the kidney hospital, expressing his thanks to the Ministry of Energy and Oil and the oil companies for the support that touched the actual need of the displaced in the center and their response by providing water and food and visiting the center located in its vicinity in the Transit neighborhood in Port Sudan, wishing the country security and stability and the return of the displaced to their homes safe and secure.

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