
Arrangements to establish camps for the forces secure agriculture in Gedaref

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

The Gedaref Agricultural Season Security Committee, headed by the State Police Director and the leaders of the security services, and with the participation of a number of members of the Agricultural Committee and authorized production partners, discussed ways to secure the current agricultural season.
It was agreed to deploy (32) centers to secure the agricultural process from the beginning of planting until the end of the harvest by establishing a large number of security centers in the localities of Butana and Central Gedaref.
Al-Sadig Mohamed Ahmed Al-Sharif said that the meeting concluded with important points, recommendations and decisions that contribute to securing the agricultural season from looting, robbery and killing, and combating the phenomenon of human trafficking and arms trade, stressing that a number of farmers agreed to hand over to the committee sites to establish camps for the forces concerned with protecting crops and livestock, indicating that the meeting of the Agricultural Insurance Committee discussed in detail the security problems that farmers have been facing from outlaws, and pointed out that the committee meeting concluded with important recommendations, including providing a financial component in partnership between the government and production partners to support the security force concerned with protecting projects, and Al-Sadig Al-Sharif appreciated the interest of the Governor of Gedaref in the issue of securing the agricultural season, and commended the positions of the police and security services and their role in protecting producers.

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