
The uprising of the incubators is coming..General Coordination of Rizeigat inside and outside

Brig. Gen. (Rtd) Ibrahim Aqil Madbo
Let us be clear, the coordination did not go to meet the President of the Sovereignty Council TSC and the Commander-in-Chief of the SAF to negotiate or request a truce or enter into a peace agreement.
Since the beginning of the war, the coordination has rejected the actions and violations of the rebel militia and remained on the side of the homeland and the armed forces when some people and a few civil administrations and a group of political forces were identifying with the terrorist militia of Daglo family and supporting it with media support or by delegating thieves and criminals to Khartoum to steal citizens’ property, violate their honor, and destroy and loot state facilities.
The coordination’s visit to Port Sudan comes in the midst of a major national work in which all the people of Sudan cooperate and support their standing with the armed forces and participation in the battle of dignity within the ranks of the popular resistance.
We in General Coordination of the Rizeigat Sons, since the early days of the battle, have taken the national decision, and the member of the Sovereignty Council TSC and Assistant Commander-in-Chief of SAF Lt.Gen. Yassir Al-Atta, bears witness to that. Now, as we stand before the President, we confirm our support and standing with the armed forces and our disavowal of what the Janjaweed leaders and mercenaries have done to the homeland and the citizen.
We also affirm the standing of the people of Darfur, whom we represent, with the armed forces to defeat the Janjaweed and our readiness to form mobilization and popular resistance committees in our regions. We have a great deal of work inside Darfur, through which we were able to neutralize most of our citizens and change their view of the rebellious Dagalo family militia, and even announce their readiness to engage in the fight against it.
We are in contact with our people inside Darfur, as there is a majority of honorable people whose hearts are with the homeland who reject what the militia is doing and are ready to participate in any combat action whenever the Darfur battle begins and Al-Daien is reclaimed from the hands of the militia and their mercenaries.
We inform you that the incubator uprising is coming, as there is a counter-movement against the rebellious militia and a popular rejection. The practices of the Dagalo family militia have begun to escalate despite the pressures, and some areas are witnessing a new situation rejecting the presence of this militia, and all these movements have become clear that large areas of Darfur and parts of Kordofan, which until recently constituted a “support” front for the rebel militia, will be the beginning of the end of the dreams of the Dagalo family.
This battle is not the battle of the SAF alone, but rather the battle of every Sudanese patriot who is jealous of his country, particularly since Sudan is now experiencing an unprecedented state of harmony and cohesion between its citizens and their SAF and that this harmony and cohesion will remain an obstacle to the enemies’ plans, and we will ultimately triumph over all the attempts of the rebel militia, agents and betrayers who have been betting for 6 years on causing a rift between the people and the army and demonizing the military institution, but their efforts have now failed thanks to the popular resistance and the people’s rush towards their army.
We call on all the sons of the homeland who are part of the Dagalo family militia and who still stand with the vanishing falsehood, particularly our sons and our people in the Rizeigat tribe, to leave the vortex of the militia and rely on the voice of reason and truth.
This door will not remain open forever, for the hour of closing will come, and every soul will be held hostage by what it has gained in the battle of dignity.
We are now in two camps, the first is the people with all their components, classes, sects, ethnicities, ideologies and army, and the second is the camp of the Janjaweed, their brazenness, mercenaries, agents and supporters from some regional countries who covet the country’s wealth within a known and exposed plan since a long time ago.
Our war now is not political, but a war of existence.
This rebel militia does not have a comprehensive combat doctrine like the regular forces to protect the homeland and the citizen, and it is only linked by tribal fanaticism, financial benefit and criminal tendencies.
You have seen what they did to the homeland and its people.
Money is disappearing and the hateful tribal fanaticism will not protect anyone from punishment.
Nothing will remain except the rope ( care of Allah ) the homeland and the group to which we cling.
Therefore, we say no negotiations with the rebel militia, no negotiations with its political wing, progress and agents, and no acceptance of any Emirati mediator.
We adhere to the outcomes of the Jeddah Forum and there is no alternative to this forum. If interference occurs in this forum from any country or colonial organization, let us get out of it and let it be for us.
A platform here in Sudan for the Sudanese, where those who desire peace and reconstruction come and we welcome them, and those who refuse are the enemy and must be fought.
Finally, we pray for the souls of all the martyrs of duty and the homeland from the sons of the armed forces and other regular forces participating in the Battle of Dignity, as we pray for the martyrs of the popular resistance and innocent citizens from Geneina to Wad Al-Noura and a speedy recovery for the wounded.

Brigadier Ibrahim Aqil Madibo
Member of the Rizeigat Coordination Committee, Military Committee and Member of the Mobilization and Popular Resistance Committee, Khartoum State.

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