
UN : More than (10) million IDPs and refugees due to the war in Sudan

Sudan Events – Agencies 

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR , Filippo Grandi, said that more than 9 million Sudanese have been internally displaced, while two million have fled to neighboring countries, including Chad, Egypt and South Sudan.
The United Nations stated in a statement that wars, violence and persecution have forced people in several places such as Gaza, Sudan and Myanmar to flee their homes, stressing that the total number of refugees and displaced persons who were forced to leave their homes at the end of last April reached 120 million people around the world.
Grandi affirmed that hundreds of Sudanese arrive in Chad daily in search of safety due to the war, which he described as one of the most catastrophic wars and which receives less attention than other crises.
While the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) expected, in a recent report, that rising levels of hunger and severe acute malnutrition would lead to increased levels of hunger-related deaths in the coming months.
The report indicated that access to food remains the priority need for the displaced, followed by health care services, water and sanitation, particularly in the Darfur and Kordofan areas.

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