
Gadarif Government distributes sacrificial meat to more than 3.500 families

Launching the distribution of sacrificial meat in Gadarif

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Director General of the Ministry of Health and Social Development in Gadarif State, the Minister in Charge, Dr. Ahmed Al-Amin Adam, launched the Qurbani program for distributing sacrificial meat implemented by the Islamic Relief Organization across the world at a cost of SDGs 183,250 million .
While addressing on (Monday) the program at Karari School Center for sheltering the IDPs in the Gadarif Municipality this morning, the Director General thanked the Islamic Relief Organization for its distinguished performance during the past period, describing the sacrificial programs as a solidarity program that aims to distribute sacrificial meat to 3660 needy families at a rate of 5 kg per family.
The Director General affirmed the continuation of the efforts and endeavors aimed at addressing the issues of the IDPs by the state government and providing and identifying suitable housing for them and accommodating their children in the educational process.
For his part, Director of Programs at the Islamic Relief Organization Worldwide, Al-Tahir Imam, indicated that the Qurbani program is one of the regular seasonal programs that the organization has been implementing in cooperation with its partners around the world, indicating that the programs aim to slaughter 183 calves according to the provisions of Islamic law and bring joy to families during the Eid period, noting that the organization implemented the Ramadan program that targeted 6,000 families in the state, hoping that peace will prevail in the country and that the displaced will return to their homes safely.
Meanwhile, the Executive Director of Gadarif Municipality, Qasim Al-Sayed Bala, praised the generosity and tolerance of the people of Gadarif and their reception of the arrivals to the state with all generosity and goodwill and their sharing of provisions with them, expressing his wishes that peace will prevail in the country and that the arrivals will return to their areas safely.

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