
Moral Attitudes do not need justification

Abdulaziz Baraka Sakin

“Moral attitudes do not need justification, except for those who lack morality in the first place.”
In the era of political decadence in which we live, some media outlets are trying to spread this decadence so that it may prevail. And it becomes the norm, and for this reason we will not stop exposing them, stripping them bare, and fighting them word for word, opinion for opinion, and refutation, as an honorable man should do.
However, lying and deception are characteristics of those who lack the honor of opposition, authenticity of position, and above all, the moral compass.
The price and cost of their decadence is more suffering and torment for the Sudanese, and the campaign of demonization, lying, forgery, and mixing positions carried out by members of the Forces for Freedom and Change FFC aims to silence the voices that point to the crimes and violations of the Janjaweed who are trying to cover up their actions and crimes.
This is what they will not succeed in, and we will continue to raise our voices and point out what it is, wherever it is.
I have said before:

“I am against criminalizing the FFC or Taqddum or any civil party
Do not carry weapons: I disagree with the FFC and disagree with Taqddum civilly in opinion and other opinions
But I remain and they remain under the umbrella of respect
And no treason to the owner of an opinion.”
And I still have my opinion and of course I will not change it one day, because freedom of opinion and other opinions is a principle that represents my basic conviction in the public work space and defending the right to expression for everyone is defending my personal right before others, and this is something that is difficult to understand for the trumpets of deception and lying who escape from confronting positions and opinions, by fabrication and deception and trying to cloud people’s awareness.
I also said:
“Every drop of blood shed in our country, throughout this war, the Janjaweed and FFC bear its burden.”
These two statements are not contradictory in the context of the renewed events and crimes that occur every day in our country, and the positions that also become clear after being camouflaged by hypocrisy for a long time.
Rather, it is a report of the reality after all that was revealed of the FTC’s efforts to justify and cover up the crimes of the Janjaweed, which reached the point of adopting and repeating the Janjaweed narratives to justify their attacks on the safe villages of Gezira The list of FTC goes on and on.
I said my first statement when FTC was covering up its true position on the Janjaweed, and I always say to myself, maybe, perhaps, and perhaps…
And I said my second statement after it became clear to me that FTC is a criminal partner of the Janjaweed in their crimes,
a partner in justifying, marketing, and enabling more crimes.
It is enough that they only shamefully condemn the Janjaweed massacres, even in their hometowns.
It is enough that they silenced the farmers’ representative, Ibrahim Al-Darfi, at Taqaddum founding conference, publicly in front of the cameras.
It is enough that the audio recording of a female member of the Taqaddum Coordination Committee, in which she explained her party’s philosophy in supporting the Janjaweed and trivializing the crimes against humanity committed by her party’s allies, the Janjaweed, is enough.
Their shameful silence and justification for killing citizens in Al-Nours, and so on, is enough.
And the list goes on!
We will not confiscate their opinions, but they will not silence our voices from exposing and stripping them, and we will not allow them to deceive our people once again to enable the Janjaweed over our necks. Of course, those insults and sticky accusations of the kitchen do not scare me, as these are exposed, but shame on all those who sold their conscience and their people to wear the Janjaweed’s cloak and carry the banner of defending them.
Yes to peace Yes to dialogue and down with the killers and down with the criminals.

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