
As I See … Russian Ambassador and Borrell Garden.

Adel El-Baz

Last week, the Russian Federation Ambassador to Sudan, Andrei Chernoful, wrote an article entitled (On Combating New Western Colonialism), which is the most profound article that diagnosed the crisis of the Sudanese state, and indeed all African countries that suffer from the injustices of Western policies towards the Third World.
The value of the article is not only in the profound ideas it presented, nor in its refined language, but also in Ambassador Andrei’s superior ability to link the history of Western colonialism and the current crisis in Sudan and to take it as an ideal model for the policies adopted by Western countries to annex free peoples to his intellectual project and subjugate them, plunder their resources, and dictate his will by deception or coercion.
Ambassador Andre says at the beginning of his article (The current Western countries are witnessing a systemic crisis, and the countries of the South are no longer ready to accept neo-colonialism for the sake of the prosperity of the golden billion. The prosperity and development of (Borrell’s Garden) is something that was achieved not only through the efforts of European workers, but through the blood of the peoples of the entire planet, and the successes and progress achieved by the Western world through the Crusades and through them also expanded the theft and plunder of other continents and strengthened the neo-colonial system that exists to this day.).

The Borrell Garden that Mr. Andre referred to above has a story, as many countries revolted against the European Union Foreign Minister, Mr. Josep Borrell, after the speech he gave during the opening of the European Diplomatic Academy, October 2022, and described him as racist. What did Borrell say?

He said, “Europe is a garden, we have built a garden, the best combination of political freedom, economic prosperity and social cohesion that humanity has been able to build, but the rest of the world is not a garden at all, the rest of the world… most of the rest of the world is jungle.” “The jungle can invade the garden, and gardeners have to take care of it, but they will not protect the garden by building fences. A beautiful little garden surrounded by high fences to keep out the jungle is not a solution, because the jungle has a huge capacity to grow, and fences, no matter how high, will not be able to protect the garden. Gardeners have to go into the jungle. Europeans have to be more engaged with the rest of the world, otherwise the rest of the world will invade Europe.” At the time, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova responded to Borrell by saying that “Europe created this garden through the barbaric plunder of the forest.” She continued: “Their philosophy of separation and superiority became the basic idea of ​​fascism and Nazism, and both world wars in the twentieth century were successful about Germany’s ambition to restore justice and re-divide the colonies of Europe that that country had failed to seize for itself.” Ambassador Andre’s article renews the same controversy and escalates when his article leaves Borrell’s garden to hit the heart of Western values ​​(the promotion of the values ​​of democracy and perverted liberalism has become a tool to suppress opponents, and anyone who refuses to hand over resources to Western elite companies for almost nothing – becomes banned by Washington and its allies, then they help their extremist allies (and the fifth column) by inciting internal conflicts, and if the internal authorities appear stable, they intervene under humanitarian pretexts and provide massive support from relevant UN agencies and NGOs, which are mostly funded by Western countries, and this approach represents a closed circle in which the results are almost identical: the destruction of the state, hundreds of thousands of victims, and examples are known to everyone in Yugoslavia, Libya, Yemen, Iraq and Syria

Look and think
# Promoting deviant Western values ​​as a tool to suppress…
If rejected
# Bans and sanctions are with the help of agents
… If sanctions do not achieve the desired result
The next step
# Ignite internal conflicts..
And if this also does not succeed in subjugating the “rogue” regimes
# Intervention is through humanitarian pretexts by nations and governmental organizations funded by Western countries.
This classic model that the West adopts to subjugate countries that do not revolve around it is not a theory narrated by Mr. Ambassador Andre, but its models are present today from Yemen to Iraq and they applied it in Sudan in its entirety until they brought down the Salvation. But Sudan did not submit, although the change was controlled by its leadership, the agents of the West with the “deviant Westernism” who sought to change the Islamic curricula and Sharia laws and permitted every evil, even homosexuality… But the Sudanese society rejected the trivialities of the villages that tried to leak into the curricula and rose up and overthrew them and fell itself.. This resistance to the deviant values ​​and the non-submission to the West and its agents led it to not lift the sanctions despite the promises of money that paid the symbol that was looted from the money of the Sudanese, the sanctions remained until this day.

The third step within the classical model decision came after the creations of the West were unable to manage the state due to the resistance to the plans to westernize the Sudanese society, they then moved to blow up the situation from within and this was done with distinction by what was known as the cursed “framework agreement”, which is the agreement sponsored by the Quartet and supported by the European Union and the Troika, although it is an exclusionary agreement to the farthest extent and it is the most important element that led to the (internal explosion.) war.

Then what happened?
Everyone rushed to the United Nations and the Security Council to intervene under the cover of “humanitarian conditions”, then false conferences began to be held here and there in order to collect resources to aid the victims of the war they had just ignited. Unfortunately, the victims were killed and displaced, and no money reached them except crumbs.


The goal of all stories of conspiracy against free peoples is always, according to Ambassador Andre
(The reason is that the Sudanese loyal to the West, who are the ones who fueled and fanned the flames of the conflict, and Western countries are seeking to bring paid activists and opponents ( Taqddum)to power in the country at any cost.).
In other words, bringing the creations of the West to power, while they have no weight or values ​​that belong to the people, nor qualifications that make them worthy of power, and people have seen their experience on the ground.

All this happens so that Mr. Borrell’s garden remains flourishing, watered with the blood of oppressed peoples and their wasted resources and values…and the guards of the West remain permanent guards at the gate of the garden, feeding on the remains of the dregs of its poisoned grass.
Finally, thanks to Andre for the profound and wonderful article.

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