
New Scene

Abdul Sami Al-Omrani

To the US Envoy… you are only picking Raisins from the Cake

The new US envoy to Sudan, Tom Perriello, seems to be a hasty and left-wing fanatic who has not learned from the mistakes of his predecessor, John Godfrey, the man who failed in his mission and returned disappointed after clearly and blatantly showing his bias towards the bloc previously known as the FFC, and now it is advancing and tomorrow it may disappear.
Perriello, through his unsuccessful statements through which he sent
warnings to the Sudanese army and an explicit threat, the gist of which is that if the current Sudanese government insists on linking the return of its delegation to the negotiations to the condition that the rebel Rapid Support RSF Militia implement the clause related to evacuating the homes of citizens and civilian dignitaries, then they will be forced to resort to international African forces to maintain peace in Sudan.
This naive person, happy with his new job, thinks that the Sudanese army will tremble and shake and rush to implement the demands and conditions of this arrogant envoy, or rather we can say that they are the demands of Taqddum Group, which now represents the political wing of the rebellion, a group that receives support and backing from the USA and from a number of pressure groups conspiring against Sudan, and it is the same international group that lost its credibility after its mysterious silence about the horrific crimes and violations committed by the Rapid Support RSF Militia against civilians in Gezira state and some Kordofan states, in addition to the crimes against humanity and displacement of residents in Khartoum State.
The US administration and all advocates of human rights principles and international covenants and charters shamefully and regrettably ignore, and even turn a blind eye to the daily crimes committed by the Rapid Support RSF Militia against civilians in Sudan, including killing, looting and stealing their property, raping women and selling them in West African markets, liquidating prisoners, killing children, and destroying the state’s infrastructure.
All of this happens and the USA and its friends in the UN Security Council do not move until the danger is threatened. Defeats befall their allies, the criminal militias, and they never fail to remind us of any mistakes or errors committed by the Sudanese army forces SAF .
They rush to blame the Sudanese armed forces SAF for crimes or errors, which they say are as if the United States of America USA had never bombed civilian gatherings as a result of mistakes and miscalculations.
However, these remain miserable and desperate attempts, particularly the attempt to equate the Sudanese army with the outlaw militias. You, Perriello, should hide in shame because the Sudanese people no longer trust your words and actions. You are completely biased towards a small group that represents only 2% of the total Sudanese population, which exceeds 45 million people. You do not know the path to justice and are led by blind hatred. You secretly support the United Arab Emirates UAE which funds the Rapid Support RSF Militia with money, weapons and technical equipment and sends air shipments of various weapons, including advanced American weapons, and you know this very well.
These shipments have been arriving in Chad every week since the beginning of the war, which you helped ignite after your insistence on implementing the framework agreement that enshrines civil dictatorship.
You speak with hypocrisy and lies that you are with democratic transition. Everyone knows that democratic transition in any country in the world after a popular revolution is a transitional government that arranges for free and fair elections.
This is the hierarchy known in political science and known to the Sudanese citizen since 1964 .
However, you do not want that and you do not want free and fair elections to be held in Sudan. This is what the former envoy said. Old man Volker affirmed you want to impose a civilian dictatorship in any form, and you are well aware that the Emirates UAE is using the ports of Douala in Cameroon and Mombasa in Kenya and you turn a blind eye to that, all of this is done openly and in broad daylight with the support, backing and approval of your country, the United States of America USA , France, Britain and international organizations, they all imagine that they will make a difference in favor of the Rapid Support Forces RSF and defeat the Sudanese army SAF, and you imagine that you can break the will of the Sudanese citizen, but what you do not know is that the slogan (one army, one people) is not in vain, if you are honest in what you say, try sending African mercenary forces to Sudanese territory to confront no less than 20! million fighters ready to defend their land and honor.
You are repeating the same mistakes that were made by the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General Volker and the former Ambassador and US Administration Envoy John Godfrey, who, through their losing bet on a small group that is ostracized by all sectors of the Sudanese people (Taqddum) failed and left dragging their tails of disappointment. They bet on the Progress bloc, which has now lost everything in Sudan and whose youth bases in Sudan have completely disappeared.
These are the ones you relied on and through whom you obtained misleading information about the situation in Sudan. If you want to understand the truth of what is happening and fully grasp the complexities of the Sudanese file, you must meet all colors of the Sudanese political spectrum without exception, with respect for Sudan’s sovereignty and respect for its current leadership that manages the political, economic and security situation, without resorting to provocative statements, otherwise you will go around in a vicious circle and leave without regret, just as those who took on the mission before you left.
The statements you made and which carry empty threats must be retracted and you must apologize for them, because the Sudanese army leadership will not be frightened and terrified by such nonsense and heresies. It seems that you have not yet understood what Sudan is and who the Sudanese are, you have not studied history well, so go and read again about the history of this country, whether you know or not that the Sudanese people are unique and unique in the issues of dignity, pride, nobility, chivalry and courage, they are a people who are difficult to subjugate and break, and what is not known, Perriello, is that Taqddum Group, which you relied on its vision to understand the Sudanese file, is now just a small political group that has been completely rejected and ostracized by the Sudanese people, and this small political group realizes that they will not be able to return to Sudan in any way and meet the citizens who are angry with them, and they may even be unable to practice their normal lives because revenge against them will be quick and harsh due to their support and endorsement of the Rapid Support RSF Militia and justification for the crimes and violations it committed against the Sudanese people.
We think that the US envoy Perriello has fallen into the forbidden after he tried to pick only raisins from the cake, as the group that is presented represents nothing but spoiled raisins, and it seems that Tom Perriello has only been satisfied with picking the raisins and does not want to taste the big cake that represents all of Sudan in order to understand how Sudanese cooking is and through it he may understand all the complexities of the Sudanese problem.
If he insists on being satisfied with spoiled raisins, his mission is destined to fail, and he will not achieve anything.
Perriello must know that the Sudanese people are the teacher of the African peoples and the conqueror of emperors and dictatorships. Neither you nor anyone else can impose on us a small political group that has been classified by the Sudanese people as mere lowly agents who are cheaply sold and bought by the Emirates UAE at the lowest prices. If you want to succeed in your mission, you must be humble about arrogance and not send empty threats, bang empty barrels, and butt heads with windmills. If you insist on that, as is the habit of the US administration in twisting the truth, and continue in their old delusion, you will catch up with those who came before you faster than you believe.

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