Low irrigation water levels threaten the beginning of summer crop in Manaqil

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
The tour of the Deputy Director of the Agricultural Administration for the Manaqil sections, Yassir Abdul Jalil Naqd, while checking level of irrigation water levels at the “52 Umm Daghina” and “39 Abdul Ghani” bridges, revealed the low irrigation water levels, which do not exceed 5 million cubic meters out of 16 million cubic meters, which represents the volume of water required at this time of the agricultural season, which threatens the start of the cultivation of summer crops for this season.
Abdul Jalil affirmed that the matter requires urgent action to increase irrigation water levels, and called on the Ministry of Irrigation to take urgent measures to address this season, represented by filling in the fractures of “Majer Al-Shawal”, the Manaqil branch, and “Majer Fahl” and the need to push more drilling mechanisms to clean a number of “water wells” and “canals” and open the discharges of the Sennar reservoir to meet and implement water requests to ensure the stability of irrigation water levels through the main bridges, which contributes to the start of the cultivation of summer crops for this season.