
“Taqddum “ Condemns militia massacres in East Nile and “Aseer”

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces “Taqddum ” condemned the brutal attack launched by the Rapid Support Forces RSF militia on the Eid Babiker area in East Nile locality in Khartoum state, and on the village of Aseer in Gezira state with various types of heavy and light weapons, which resulted in a bloody massacre that claimed the lives of dozens of civilians and injured large numbers, in addition to looting citizens’ property and cars.
“Taqddum ” said in a statement on Saturday that the repeated attacks and assaults that the Rapid Support Forces RSF continue to launch on villages and all that accompanies them of killing, arrests, terrorizing, looting and displacement, is an insistence on violating the right to protect civilians in conflicts, which is guaranteed by all local and international human rights treaties and laws, addition to a long list of crimes and serious violations that have occurred to thousands of innocent civilian victims since the outbreak of the cursed April 15 war.
“Taqddum called on all human rights activists, media professionals, human rights defenders and all those interested in Sudanese affairs to stand with innocent citizens and join forces to stop this war from which the Sudanese have tasted nothing but bitterness and pain, and to stop the chains of crimes, violations and horrors that millions of innocent people have been experiencing since the outbreak of the war until now.
It said that pressuring to stop this war is a humanitarian and moral duty on all actors from the Sudanese political forces and civil society, as well as a duty on everyone who is biased towards justice and protecting people and their rights.

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