
Morals.. between those involved and those who supplicate

Ambassador Abdullah Al-Azraq

The Sudanese knew each other as people who value fellowship, friendship and companionship, but those ideals found those who targeted them, not caring about the disappointments that this brings to morals.
The great media figure told me that Babiker Faisal – whom I do not know – was working with the noble and generous son of the generous Jamal Al-Wali, and the first thing he did after (the revolution of awareness) was to close the Al-Wali-owned Al-Sudani newspaper!!
As for the owner of the 64 billion dollar lie – the so-called Mohamed Ismat – who falsely claimed that the National Congress Party smuggled it to Malaysia, he is still talking even though his lie has spread far and wide.
Mohamed Al-Faki was a student of Adel Al-Baz who taught him journalism.
Wagdi Salih worked for an oil company affiliated with the security apparatus.
As for the governor of the River Nile , Amina Al-Makki, she was a child of the Student Support Fund and the Zakat Chamber in her poverty. Despite that, she said: She will not leave the jug even if it was Al-Sharif Al-Radi.
I am certain that if you asked her about the verses of Al-Sharif Al-Radi in praise of the family of the Prophet:

May Allah water the city from a place of pure water and fresh sperm
And He was generous to Al-Baqi and its inhabitants, with a loose tail, full of perfume
And the flags of the stranger and what its landmarks have been violated from pure lineage
She would say: It is a song by Hawa Al-Taqtaqa!!

As for the young man, Ihab Al-Tayeb, he worked for the great journalist Ahmed Al-Bilal Al-Tayeb, then he betrayed him during the days of empowerment.
And that one called Abdul Bari and they appointed him as Minister of Justice, he betrayed his teacher, Professor Abdul Rahman Ibrahim, who facilitated his path to the West!! His Qahta imprisoned the world-famous legal scholar, and the fool Taha Osman Ishaq entered and beat him in his prison!

But Taha Ishaq “complained to whom”??

And Professor Hussein Khojali trained dozens of journalists and media professionals, but when the Salvation government collapsed, most of them disowned him, and he did not find any love or recognition of his favor.
And a poet who used to satirize the Salvation government, but when debts burdened him, he found no solution except with Islamist Hashim Haroun, so he stopped satirizing the Salvation government. But these days he “extended his lot” to the Qahta and Hemedti, begging them, and he returned to his old satire, earning money through his poetry. Oh, the regret of the immortals and the strays
And thus the Qahta’s betrayals of those who did them good became a new phenomenon targeting high values. Treachery, immorality, hatred, debauchery, and ingratitude for every good deed and behavior.
It was stated in Fayd al-Qadir by al-Manawi:
“Do you refrain from mentioning the wicked person?! When will people recognize him?! Mention the wicked person by what is in him so that people will beware of him.”
It was stated in the Great Commentary by Fakhr al-Din al-Razi and the covenant is upon him:
He, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Mention the wicked person by what is in him so that people will beware of him.”
In order to mention a glaring example of this malicious, shameless phenomenon, I refer you to the real story below; It is not a personal story as much as it is a practical example of the phenomenon of moral decadence that accompanied the behavior of the people of FFC:
I considered him a close friend, and I was keen on my relationship with him. In fact, I felt that he was more sincere in this friendship, because – for example – he used to tell me: He does not want Ahmed, my son, to leave his son; because Ahmed’s relationship with his son is enough to protect his son from a relationship with bad friends who would lead him to alcohol or drugs.. And I was happy with his saying that.
In the first years of the Salvation, he was about to be dismissed for reasons I do not want to mention, but I was among those who interceded for him and defended him, until he survived, and thanked God for that.
We traveled together, and it was an enjoyable trip because of the joy he added to it with his sense of humor and sarcasm.
On my last visit to Sudan in 2018, he was among the invitees to a banquet I held for friends.
How could he not be, when he is one of those who, when they speak, you listen to them!!!
This is how I evaluated (correctly, I evaluate) my relationship with the man.
Then it seemed to me that I did not learn from the sayings of the predecessors…
And how good is the saying of Abdullah bin Masoud, may Allah be pleased with him:
“Whoever among you is going to follow an example, let him follow the example of someone who has died, because the living cannot be trusted against temptation.”
As soon as the signs of the overthrow of the Salvation began, and the demonstrations erupted, I saw my friend turn around and reveal what was hidden!
He began repeating what the public and the mob were deceived with, or those who entered the world of politics in late 2018, without previous experience, guidance, or an enlightening book:
“The National Congress Party NCP is a thief”!! He was the one who was close to them and befriended them.
Then he descended to the level of backbiting and slander against people.
I was shocked that if he found my name, he would not go beyond it without “Qahnabah”.
Glory be to Allah ; that this would come from a person who used to show me keenness on brotherhood, kinship and friendship!!!
But the man – unfortunately and regrettably – had delved into “Qahna”, which is a contradiction to high values ​​and noble morals and does not care about anything except honor or conscience.
And if we ignore morals, where are the reason and logic???
My uncle, the professor, visited the capital where “our friend” was to attend an international conference. My uncle was closer to white in color, so he did not associate me with him.
It so happened that this conference was after the first “revelation” of the chapter issued by the Forces for Freedom and Change, and included Dr. Mustafa Osman and Ambassador Sanaa Hamad.
The professor met “our friend” there.. and as is the case with Sudanese in general, the discussion touched on that discovery, so “our friend” jumped up to say to my uncle the professor:
“What is Sanaa Hamad about? Why didn’t they fire Abdullah Al-Azraq’s people, the foreign ones?”!!!
He says this about his “friend” Abdullah Al-Azraq!!!
And in fact, they didn’t fire me; because I only had a few months left until my natural retirement, or so I thought.
Months passed and the “friend of the NIF” was among those involved in firing dozens of young people whom they classified as NIF members, including those who had no connection to them..
They were just religious or upright in their behavior, and therefore could be “infiltrating NIF members”!!
And thus they wronged hundreds of highly qualified young people from Nasir.. Among them was the author, the writer, the poet, the eloquent speaker, and the analyst who understood the nature of the international scene and its players. Many of them were more qualified than those who were responsible for firing them from the Qahta.
I called him on the phone and said to him:
You know that during the era of Minister Ali Osman and Minister Mustafa Osman, the Salvation Forces reinstated those they had dismissed, treated them fairly, and included them in their pay, except for those who refused because they found a better job in an organization or other.
You know that we knew who among our colleagues was a Baathist, a Communist, or a Republican, but the Salvation Forces did not dismiss them.
You know that you personally used to criticize the government and attack it morning and evening, and we accepted that from you and met it with a smile, without hatred or animosity or settling of scores..
So why did you use the sword of random dismissal on these young people?
More importantly, the nature of work in the Foreign Ministry does not leave room for those with ideologies to influence the work, and you are aware of that, so why did you wrong these young people from whom Sudan expects so much???
The man denied that he was involved in the dismissal of his colleagues.
But he was not right in his denial.
At the end of the meeting, I told him: I know that the dismissed people are praying against those who were involved in their injustice, and that they are beseeching their Lord to grant them the help of the FFC. Woe to those who are involved from those who beseech.
I concluded my conversation with him, saying: I do not know the unseen, but I swear to Allah that the FFC will dismiss him himself!!!

Not many months passed until they dismissed him in a humiliating manner.

I mentioned all these examples to illustrate a phenomenon that I fear will be repeated, and the foreigners are working to bring these people back to spread corruption on earth once again.
May Allah forgive you, my “friend” who was.. and forgive me and you.

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