
Seizing smuggled fuel for the militia

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The competent authorities in Al-Daba locality seized (41) large jerrycans (16) gallons of fuel smuggled from Al-Daba locality to the Rapid Support RSF Militia in North Kordofan.
The Executive Director of Al-Daba locality, Mohamed Saber Mohamed Ahmed, praised the force that seized the fuel, and said that the regular forces and mobilized forces are fully prepared and immediately following up to cut off any hand that tamperes with the security of the locality, and he added that the sleeper cells are being followed up to seize them and prosecute them in a trial befitting their treason, indicating that the Free Lion Forces that seized the fuel secured the northern side completely and cut off all smuggling attempts.
For his part, Col. Abdul Nasser Mohamed Taha confirmed that the armed forces are a watchful eye to protect the country, pointing out that these traitors who smuggle fuel to the militia are interested in collecting money and getting rich quickly.
He added that this major seizure is the seventh in two months, stressing that the armed forces are on the lookout for them, and revealed new controls that will be taken related to controlling fuel at pumps and other measures that reduce fuel smuggling to the militia.

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