Sudan Events – Follow ups
Sudan Liberation Army Movement ( SLAM) – Minawi’s wing denied the allegations of the Rapid Support RSF Militia advisor and his accusation that the governor of Darfur, Minni Arko Minawi, is requesting sums of money to fight in the ranks of the militia against the SAF.
The movement’s official spokesman, Ali Nour, said in a press statement, “The lies and hashtags of the Rapid Support RSF Militia will not stop the march and struggles of Commander Minawi.
The Rapid Support RSF Militia is still playing its misleading role in promoting and spreading rumors through its mouthpieces from its members or from their world soon, militarily” and politically as usual and in a cheap and miserable manner prepared for him, and through Al-Sharq channel, the militia advisor tried to incite and incite public opinion through his accusation against the governor of Darfur, to throw the false accusation.
He added, “What we would like to emphasize is that a meeting was held in Addis Ababa at the initiative of Hemeti, between representatives of the Liberation Movement led by its president, Minni Arko Minawi, accompanied by Yousuf Haqqar and Mohamed Suleiman Yaqoub, and from the Rapid Support Forces RSF Idris Mudalal, and Hemeti participated via Mudalal ‘own mobile.
In the meeting, we discussed a number of issues, and we did not touch on anything related to the financial issue. We confirm that if we wanted to support our demands from Hemeti’s sponsor and not through Hemeti.”
Al-Sadig affirmed that the method of buying consciences and breaking the will of men is a well-known and widespread matter in the militia and the declared policy, and added, “They know our national positions before others and we are not a product of money to protect our benefactors, competitors of the owners of the national cause, so we chose to defend our people and in the ranks of our armed forces and other forces, and we know that the coffers of the militia are full of what makes the weak-willed salivate in the slave market of Sudanese politics, the lie of the advisors that they invented during the dialogue did not even succeed in determining the value of the amount that Manawi requested from them, and this type of lies is exposed, its purpose is to target the project of the Sudan Liberation Army Movement ( SLAM) represented by the president and governor of the region, we say to Advisor Hemeti bring us your evidence and proofs that prove the validity of your false claim, especially since you are filming and recording everyone you want to set your nets towards from the light-hearted and light-minded.”
He continued, “As for your talk about the army being used for brutality and nonsense, what the Rapid Support Forces RSF are committing against innocent people, such as killing, stealing, raping, and bombing hospitals and health centers, are things that are shameful and are not done by normal people.”