
New Scene .. Keikal and Al-Bishi in Sinja, the language of speech and bodies!!

Abdul Sami Al-Omran

Body language is the movements made by some individuals who use their voice, hands, or any of the body parts to express and try to convey messages to them. It is one of the most important sciences that are relied upon in analyzing the personality to know how he behaves, what he thinks about, what occupies him or worries him, and scientists and researchers analyze all of this by studying the individual’s behavior and they look at the involuntary movements that are manifested in the movement of the hands and feet or facial muscles and even the modern tone and the way of standing and sitting and other physical movements.
Through scenes from the videos that were shown on social media, two leaders of the Rapid Support Forces emerged, namely Abu Aqla Keikal and Al-Bishi.
The first video was in front of the brigade’s presidency in Sinja, and also inside the government secretariat, and the last video was on July 2, 2024 AD.
We hope that if you watch these videos with a close and deep look, you will notice the difference between the character of Al-Bishi and Keikal. Al-Bishi seems elated and happy with the military progress they have achieved so far, and since he thinks that it is a great victory over the Sudanese Armed Forces SAF in invading the capital of Sennar state (Sinja) after his forces were besieged in the areas of Jebel Moya, until Keikal and a coordinator with her panicked to create an encirclement and a breakthrough from the western side, reaching Sinja. Nile personality analysis scientists in Sudanese intelligence or military intelligence will reach a positive result for the clear difference between the two characters, as the so-called Al-Bishi is a young man, small-minded and uncultured, and does not pay much attention to the social, economic and psychological consequences that will befall the people of those areas, which produces his light in a state of calm, and perhaps I will die in my bed, so he appears to be happy like children and cheerful, and he quickly prevents between the militia elements who appear to be criminals, hard-hearted, weak in faith, and even the absence of religion in their lives, except when they speak in front of the camera, as they begin the conversation by praying for the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and this is what provokes the anger of the Sudanese citizen who denies watching someone who begins his conversation by praying for the Prophet while he is doing something that neither Pharaoh nor the Crimean Tatars in the Umayyad era do.
As for the character of Abu Aqla Keikal, through analysis, it is said that he has signs of fear of what is coming or fear of a disaster that will happen at any time.
It is produced through video clips that he is very worried and tries as much as possible to hold on and hold the small stick at reasonable prices.
He will throw some of his pain and conflicts of conscience on it that will destroy him from the inside. He also draws his fake yellow smile to cover up some of the internal feelings and the terror that resides in his heart from the worst that is coming, which he knows very well.
Wikibel was fully responsible for his rebellion against his family, his country, and the military institutions he worked with and was advancing in, even though he was not officially deployed in any military hierarchy. He was merely a collaborator with the armed forces in securing the borders in the Blue Nile. He had a history of working as a salaf in the Butana regions and smuggling goods and livestock. He also had strong social relations with many notables in the Butana, Gadarif and Halfa regions. When Al-Taieh was leading the Sudan Shield, he found many sympathetic community leaders, even respected community leaders from the Nile River and the North, who welcomed him as the future leader of his forces or an armed military movement defending the rights of the northerners.
However, Wikibel’s loyalty was bought, his denunciation was imposed, and his conscience was imposed on the devil, which is the support of the Rapid Support Forces RSF , which allocated huge sums of money with military leaders, media figures, and local administrative leaders. It even reached the consciences of heads of state in the region and international organizations and bodies.
Keikal suddenly turns from a leader in the eyes of the northerners to a corrupt criminal and a gang leader of militias that rape women, loot, steal, kill, and violate citizens’ homes and liquidate prisoners of the armed forces in cold blood. He finds himself leading these militias that are now rejected in Sudan, and he fears a harsh and dark fate that he will face from his family before he is tried by the conscience of the entire Sudanese nation.
So Keikal is dying from the inside now, and his heart is breaking and his conscience is nagging him, and sometimes he speaks flirtatiously about the Sudanese army as a respectable institution. In his distant conversations, he tries to show them that he has morals and principles and seeks to show that he is their protector, keen on their security, and the guardian of their money and property. Keikal now knows that the adventure of going to Sinja is not a walk or a picnic like his outings and tours around the areas of Hilaliya, Rafaa, the markets of Al-Masid, and the capital of his town, the ancient Tanbol area. Kikil knows all of this and fears a tragic fate awaiting him in Sennar State. He knows that he will not get out of this easily, for sure. His fate will be either to be killed or captured. Therefore, the videos show him sad and worried, trying to deceive joy while his heart bleeds with pain.

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