
Behind the News .. The Possible Dialogue – Impossible Dialogue

Mohamed Wadaa

There is no meaning to any initiative or political process that does not put the rights of the Sudanese people at the forefront of its agenda*
Any dialogue must be based on the survival of the state entity and ensuring its independence and unity
Main obstacles facing the dialogue, the most important of which is the lack of a clear description of the war by the Taqddum Group.
Taqddum roadmap and its goals cannot be achieved through dialogue .
The correct start (Taqddum ) may be based on disengaging from the Rapid Support Militia RSF , the Emirates, and the Zionist agenda .
The Sudanese people view with satisfaction and appreciation Egypt’s role towards Sudan
The acceleration of the pace of this war, and its expansion in this way in safe areas where the SAF is not present, aims to increase the suffering of the people and displace them from their homes, and to try to exploit this to raise international pressure on the Sudanese government, and even in areas where the army is present, the SAF remained defensive and did not initiate the attack, and the militia does all of this with the support and encouragement of the UEA and other countries .
The cooperation amid silence from the international community about the violations and horrific crimes committed, then crying over the result of that for the state of displacement and asylum, which is an attempt to exhaust the people and push them to complain and feel distress, in order to create a break between the SAF and the people and an attempt to create a contradiction in the ultimate goals that the people rallied around, which is represented in ending the military and political presence of the rebel militia the day after the war, the pages of activists loyal to progress and the Rapid Support RSF Militia overflowed with cheers and congratulations to the militia for a victory that was only real on their yellow pages, and due to their extreme haste they did not wait until the battle was over, and they showed unparalleled hypocrisy in false sympathy with the supposed victims after the invasion of Sinja, and their sick imagination anticipated images, illusions and horrors after the fall of the city before it fell, and of course they did not miss trying to undermine the army, and describe it with descriptions that only exist in the dictionary of traitorous enemies, Yes, the priority now is to stop the war and end it in accordance with the explicit law, while ensuring the recovery of looted and stolen goods, and holding the rebel forces accountable for the crimes and violations they committed.
Therefore, there is no meaning to any initiative or political process that does not put the rights of the Sudanese people at the forefront of its agenda.
This can only be achieved by stopping the war and taking the accompanying legal measures. The Sudanese people, who have an interest in ending the war, will not accept any political process that does not restore their looted rights, their wasted dignity, and their spilled blood.
There is no possibility of returning the situation to what it was before April 15. These people cannot be spiteful, nor of course opponents. These are trivialities that have been thrown by years of leniency in the face of the Sudanese people in all countries.
It is inconceivable that there are those who trample on all human values ​​in order to achieve the militia’s goals of occupying cities and villages, and that they see in this only the army’s negligence and failure to protect citizens. They do not see aggression as aggression, and yet they demand that it be confronted, which is hypocrisy and deception. No one is fooled, Yes, these people could have justified their actions by standing by the citizen and his right to life and security, which are principles that all peoples and their civilizational and human heritage have agreed upon.
The matter does not stop here, and it is not hidden that this is an alignment against the homeland and supports the plan to dismantle the Sudanese state under the cover of restoring the democratic transition, or fighting the State of 56, or even fighting the remnants. On the one hand, none of these goals can be achieved through looting, plundering, rape, and displacing citizens, and creating massive chaos by releasing prisoners and criminals.
The need for a Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue is not a luxury or an initiative, but rather an integrated roadmap to get out of Sudan’s crises, most notably stopping and ending the war. This step gains its importance in that reaching a sustainable solution must be linked to preserving the entity of the State itself and ensuring its independence and unity.
This requires some kind of courage and wisdom that is not available now due to the profession of some of the actors in profiting from the war and its repercussions, and the lack of sufficient courage to confront the bitter truth that they are trying to deny, which is their immersion in a foreign agenda and their association with intelligence plans and international interests, while the dialogue is supposed to be transparent, Sudanese and national, and that this dialogue should lead to a constitutional conference that restructures the Sudanese state through a founding phase, and that it enhances the chances of peace and its completion and the restoration of the civil state through free and fair elections.
This is necessitated by the existence of a single national army based on the armed forces, and this is what Taqaddum rejects.
Those who are unable to condemn violations The militia and its crimes against citizens, and they cannot raise their eyes in the face of their masters, I would have found an excuse for them if their stand with the militia was the result of what Mohamed Al-Faki said – we did not do and we will not do – (that the militia adopted their vision), and the truth is that they are the ones who follow the militia and only in response to the desire of the financiers and the matter has nothing to do with the national affair from near or far, these are just a procedure and not partners, my people, the Sudanese people are being killed by the militia and its mercenaries from Ethiopia, South Sudan, Chad, Mali, Niger, Libya and Yemen, despite our deep belief that the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue is the only way and the closest option to reach an agreement that ends the war, this dialogue faces major obstacles, the most important of which is the lack of a clear description of the war by Taqddum Group, and the lack of recognition of international law and international humanitarian law as a reference for describing the war, and the lack of respect for the traditions and legacies of the Sudanese people even in the event of war, and considering this as internationally and humanely agreed upon standards, and Blatant ignorance of the legal status of civilians during war and their rights, considering control of civilian objects and citizens’ homes as military gains, and looting cars, furniture and money as spoils of war, and perhaps one of the most important obstacles to dialogue is that Taqaddum considers the framework agreement as the basis and that the militia is its military lever to reach power,
These are goals that cannot be achieved through dialogue, and therefore Taqaddum may be thinking of a new beginning by severing its ties with the militia, the Emirates and the Zionist agenda,
The Sudanese people look with satisfaction and gratitude at Egypt, the government and the people, and highly appreciate its interest and keenness to end the war and unify the word of the Sudanese, to preserve the Sudanese state and its institutions, and this is its role throughout history, as no one is ignorant of the connection between the national security of the two countries and peoples, and the pinnacle of that is that any threat to the unity of Sudan is a threat to Egypt, so do they understand,
July 3, 2024 .

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