
The SAF’s Conditions for negotiating with the militia.. (Sudan Events ) interrogates Experts and Leaders of Armed Movements

A leader in the popular resistance: The SAF’s conditions came in response to the opinion of the Sudanese street, its desire and its audible voice

Sudan Liberation (Leadership Council): It is difficult for the SAF Commandment to choose any solution other than defeating Janjaweed, subjecting them to trials and expelling them

Sudanese Alliance: There will be no negotiation process with the militia unless they leave the areas they have violated

Military expert: Respecting the Sudanese government and its army is the key to the success of any initiative to end the war in Sudan.

Since Jeddah negotiations, the Sudanese Armed Forces SAF have been adhering to their conditions in order to sit down again with the Rapid Support RSF Militia and resolve the crisis the country is going through and implement what was stated in the agreement by the militia and the necessity of evacuating citizens’ homes and government facilities and other things.
The SAF has not budged from its position on this, while the militia has continued to evade Jeddah Agreement by not implementing it and continues its violations and even expands into other areas and commits the most heinous crimes. In return, the SAF has renewed its conditions for entering into negotiations with the militia. (Sudan Events ) interviewed a number of experts and leaders of armed movements regarding the SAF’s conditions for negotiations in the following space.

Sudan Events – Aya Ibrahim

The Sudanese Armed Forces SAF have set conditions for any negotiations with the Rapid Support RSF Militia that would lead to the end of the war. The Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the SAF , Lt. Gen. Yassi Al-Atta, said during his meeting with a media delegation that the army’s conditions for negotiations with the Rapid Support RSF Militia are: “The surrender of the Rapid Support RSF Militia, and 5 camps have been identified to transfer their forces to, with a pledge not to attack or target them as long as they are in those locations,” withdrawing from all residential areas and evacuating the buildings they have controlled over the past months, handing over weapons and combat equipment, returning foreign fighters to their countries, and handing over those being prosecuted on charges related to violations that occurred during the past period “which included looting, rape crimes, and assault on citizens’ rights.” He pointed out that there will be no political or military presence for the Rapid Support RSF Militia in the armed forces in the future.

Response of Opinion :

The leader of the popular resistance, Naji Mustafa, explained that the conditions put forward by the Sudanese Armed Forces SAF represent the conditions of Sudanese dignity that resemble the dignity of the Sudanese people, the authenticity of its armed forces, and its valiant history.
Mustafa told Sudan Events hat these conditions came in response to the opinion of the Sudanese public opinion , its desire and its audible voice that it expressed on various opinion platforms, and he pointed out that they are the minimum conditions that the Sudanese people will not accept any concession from or any lower level, taking into consideration that they do not include any immunity from future criminal claims for all crimes committed, and he concluded by saying, “This comes in the context of Allah Almighty’s command to fight the aggressors until they return to truth and justice, as Allah Almighty says (But if one of them transgresses against the other, then fight the one that transgresses until it complies with the command of Allah)”.

Commander’s affirmation :

Al-Atta’s speech came hours after the President of the Sovereignty Council TSC and Commander of the Armed Forces SAF Lt. Gen. Abdel Fattah, affirmed that the army will not submit to any blackmail, and will not enter into any negotiations that rob it of its prestige, and do not meet the aspirations of the Sudanese people.
Al-Burhan, who spoke in front of a number of fighters in Omdurman, said, “We are advocates of peace, and we do not desire war, but we will not negotiate in a humiliating manner, and we will not go to negotiate except with dignity.”
He called on the mediators to urge the Rapid Support RSF Militia to leave the homes of citizens, adding, “We will not negotiate with an enemy that continues to commit violations, nor with those who support it, and our duty is to prepare for combat.”

Choosing a solution :

The assistant to the president for political affairs of the Sudan Liberation Army Movement (SLAM) (Leadership Council), Osama Mukhtar Omar Makhtoum, affirms that the statements of the military are always consistent with Sudanese public opinion, and he said, “So far, what we hear from the statements of the leadership of the armed forces is in line with the desires and aspirations of the Sudanese people.”
Makhtoum added in an interview to (Sudan Events ), “Yes, there are crimes and violations committed by the Rapid Support RSF Militia, which touched the dignity of the citizen.
The Sudanese rose up to protect themselves and their country, and many Sudanese were martyred in defense of Sudan, and many of them are still holding the trigger of the gun in defense of the honor of Sudan, while the Rapid Support RSF Militia brought in huge numbers of mercenaries with the help of international terrorist gangs and countries neighboring Sudan, and they committed the most heinous crimes that the human mind cannot imagine.”
He said, “Here it is difficult for the SAF Commandment to choose any other solution than defeating the rebellion, subjugating Janjaweed, prosecuting them, and expelling them outside the borders of Sudan.”
Battles and Victory :

The Sudanese Armed Forces SAF ‘conditions for negotiating with the Rapid Support RSF Militia come in conjunction with the SAF’s fierce battles in Sennar state, which led to the militia’s retreat in a number of areas in the state after its invasion of the city of Sinja in the past few days, where the SAF was able to retake Doba Bridge. The SAF is also advancing in the city of El Fasher by repelling a number of rebel attacks, as well as in Babanusa and Khartoum. Politically, a number of political forces are preparing to participate in a conference for Sudanese political forces called for by the Egyptian government, which was set for the 7th and 8th of this July, with the attendance of the concerned regional and international partners to discuss solutions to the crisis in Sudan.
Reducing Injustice :

In turn, the official spokesperson for the Sudanese Alliance, Mohamed Al-Samani, says that the militias have continued to renege on the covenants concluded with them by the representatives of the people from the Sudanese Armed Forces SAF and he pointed out that this is what worries others the most.
Al-Samani tells (Sudan Events ) that there will be no negotiation process with the militia unless it leaves the areas it has violated, and he said, ”
This move may It alleviates the social injustice that exists within the Sudanese people due to the immoral practices and violations committed by the militia, which he said does not respect international laws and local customs by committing all crimes against humanity, which he considers a foreign plot and invasion in which the militia is used as a tool for that,” calling on all Sudanese to stand against this plot.

A Directed Message :

The military expert Al-Fateh Mahjoub believes that the conditions presented by each party, if they are arbitrary and difficult to accept, are considered a message directed to the interior and exterior and to the enemy, stating that you will not benefit from winning a battle in Sinja or Jebel Moya, no matter how painful your victory is, and that we will continue the struggle no matter how high the price is, and we will win the battle in the end.
Mahjoub told Sudan Events , “Any party wishing to mediate must take into account the SAF’s conditions and try to meet some of them.
I consider the conditions to be part of the negotiation tools because any party mediating must take into account some of them, if not all of them, and respecting the Sudanese government and its SAF is the key to the success of any initiative to end the war.
Lt. Gen.Yassir ‘speech is a mobilization of the Sudanese army and those on alert, and it reassures them that the army will not give up on crushing the Rapid Support Forces RSF and therefore they should only be busy performing their military duties.”

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