
Minister of Finance calls on (UNDP) to provide Financial Support to Employees in Education and Health

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Dr. Jibril Ibrahim, affirmed
importance of continuation of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP),
and the Minister requested the program’s assistance in providing financial support to employees in the fields of education and health to improve their living conditions, to ensure that they continue to perform their jobs and do not migrate abroad due to war and weak resources.
He affirmed the importance of the program as one of the United Nations UN agencies specialized in development affairs. While meeting the Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Luca Renda, Jibril pointed out the importance of the program’s support for Sudan in the field of obtaining a significant share of the funds allocated by international organizations for the fields of climate change, environment and clean energy, pointing out the need to implement projects in the field of solar energy to solve the electricity problem in Sudan as well as in the field of clean drinking water, especially in the city of Port Sudan, which houses a large number of displaced persons.
The Minister affirmed the importance of continuing the technical support provided by the program, particularly in the areas of building the capacity of employees , the financial system, and the technical and digital field to improve financial performance, increase revenues and link ministries with each other. He suggested that the program adopt a workshop on financing environmental and climate change projects.
For his part, Renda explained that the program is currently operating from Port Sudan and its activities extend to Darfur, Kassala, Gedarif, Kosti, Dongola, Atbara, and Damazin through projects in the fields of humanitarian affairs, health and water for local communities, in addition to the technical support projects provided by the program to the Ministry of Finance and other ministries.
Renda affirmed the continuation of technical support and capacity building programs provided to Sudan through a program agreed upon between the two sides, and expressed his support for implementing the proposed workshop and supporting financial digitization projects.
At the end of the meeting, the Minister pledged the Ministry’s continued cooperation with the program and providing all possible facilities to enable it to play its developmental and economic role in the country.

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