
Sudan Tops List of Sesame Exporting Countries

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Sudan topped list of sesame exporting countries in the world with an annual production volume of 1.3 million tons, and despite the war situations and high production and harvest costs, Sudan maintained its leadership in sesame prices in the global market thanks to the excellent quality.
Losses due to the militia :

General Manager of Afrogreen Limited, Hossam El-Din Abboudah, explained that the 2023 exports include exports for the 2022-2023 agricultural season, as agricultural and harvesting operations were completed before the war, stressing the impact of the rebel militia’s control over Gezira state and areas of Gedarif “FAO” on harvesting operations for the 2023-2024 season in North Gedarif , as it caused the closure of the crop market and the suspension of the largest sesame auction market in Sudan, and forced producers and buyers to deal outside the market, which resulted in weak information and data about the market.
He pointed out the impact of the disruption of halawa and tahini factories in Khartoum and Madani, weakness of the local market, deterioration of purchasing power and the migration on the domestic sesame consumption market and the availability of some additional quantities for export, noting that the presence of Port Sudan port outside the war area and securing their goods from the 2023-2024 season by shipping and storing them on their account in traditional markets such as the Egyptian, Saudi and Turkish markets.

Producer Reluctance:
Transportation difficulties, high fuel prices, fear of road hazards and armed robbery have prompted some producers in areas outside the war area to refrain from sending their goods to the markets, noting that these quantities are equivalent to the stock transported annually between seasons.
He stated that the continuation of the war, the lack of security, the reluctance of banks to finance due to losses, looting, the failure to recover production and trade financing for the previous season, and the lack of inputs, fertilizers, seeds and gasoline have a major impact on the 2024-2025 season, with expectations of a 30% decline in production volume.
Global Market Challenges :

He revealed major challenges facing the global market, which he expected would lead to an unprecedented price increase as a result of the significant increase in consumer demand in China, Turkey, and the European market, in addition to India, which is considered the largest importer and exporter.
Sudan and Ethiopia, two of the largest exporting countries, are facing the fires of wars and internal conflicts, as Sudan’s exports in 2021 were $735 million and the average price was $1,200 per ton, and decreased to $555 million in 2022 and then to $367 million in 2023.
Current World Price Index:

Sudan 1960-1900 dollars per ton
Ethiopia 1950
Nigeria 1800
Pakistan 1750
Chad 1750
Brazil 1550
Beneficiaries :

The biggest beneficiaries of the increase in demand and the decrease in production of Sudan and Ethiopia are Pakistan and Brazil, as Pakistan’s exports to China increased by 126% to 166,682 tons, amounting to $291 million, and it seeks to double the allocated area in the 2024-2025 season.
As for Brazil, from zero exports in 2018 to 11th place in 2023 with exports of $219.9 million, and it seeks to increase the area at the expense of yellow corn.

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