
Cairo Conference..!!

Taher Sati

The hall that witnessed Cairo Conference at the Administrative Capital is not new to the democratic opposition and national powers, as they were invited to the same hall weeks before the war (February 2023), to spare their people war, so they answered the invitation that the active free powers (currently Taqddum ) were absent from, and then participated – with the SAF of the National Congress Party NCP- in power..!!
If they had been humble and freed themselves from the restrictions of the short-lived freedom forces, and answered that important invitation, and then returned to the minimum level of controversial issues with the opposition, the democratic bloc and the national powers, this damned war would not have ignited..
The activists refused to spare their country war, and adhered to the framework that planted the seed of war, by acknowledging their destroyer, Hemeti..!!
And after the War, they accepted Cairo second invitation ,yesterday they rushed and ran to meet those who they had described then as the powers of the counter-revolution and the tails of the National Congress (NC)and other (free descriptions).. And they did not find with their opponents a chest to embrace them, a smiling face, or even a hand to shake their hands that were stained by the hands of the militia of killing, looting and rape..!!
The opposition, the Democratic Bloc and the National powers, refused the hotels that brought them together, and the direct dialogue that brought them together, and they even refused the dining tables where they were sitting, and all of that out of hatred for their positions on the issues of the people, and so that they would not be infected with the viruses of workers and mercenaries..!!:: The conference began from a distance without a meeting that brought them together face to face, then it ended with a statement that was not agreed upon unanimously, as happens in such conferences..
The activists came to pollute others so that they would be an incubator for the militia of Daglo family , to say later (My dear, we are all Janjaweed), and they did not succeed..!!
Anyway, far from the political incubator agenda of Daglo family ilitia, the Cairo conference succeeded in creating a political movement that overshadows the military work in Sudan.. It also succeeded in bringing together the teams to see many faces and talk to some in body language, after the honorable people refused direct dialogue..
The conference also succeeded in alerting the parties and public opinion to the tragedies of war and the suffering of the people of Sudan..!!
Other than that, it is an Egyptian effort to stop the war in our country, so through the Cairo conference it was possible to achieve a lifeline for the activists of progress, to emerge from the tunnels of employment and loyalty to Daglo family militia to the spaciousness of the people and the homeland.. But (Allah’s goal is not elevated) ..!!
The activists refused to agree to condemn the militia’s crimes in the final statement, and they also refused to agree on the right of the armed forces SAF to defend the country and its people, meaning they returned to where they were in those tunnels..
And upon them, thanks to Egypt, which sought – before and after the war – to reform the approach of the active phase, but the perfumer cannot fix what the dirham and the dollar have spoiled..!!

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