
King Salman Center intervenes to rescue 4,000 Sudanese IDPs

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

King Salman Center, King of Saudi Arabia, intervened to provide relief to 4,000 Sudanese who were displaced from Sennar state due to the recent battles between the SAF and the Rapid Support RSF Militia, which led to the displacement of thousands from the state.
According to “SUNA”, (Al-Ishraq) Organization for Development and Reconstruction announced the allocation of 4,000 food baskets to the IDPs due to the recent events in Sennar state.Director of the Organization, Adam Ali Hamid, said that this intervention is important to provide relief to the displaced who came to Gedaref and to meet food needs within the food security project funded by the King Salman Center.
The Director of the Organization called for delivering humanitarian aid to those entitled to it according to surveys and information from the competent authorities.
He added: “Since the outbreak of the war, (Al-Ishraq) has distributed 60 thousand baskets in the three eastern states in addition to distributing dates to the displaced with funding from the King Salman Center.”

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