
Economic Understandings Between Sudan and Japan

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Sudanese Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Dr. Jibril Ibrahim, revealed an agreement with Japan to increase economic cooperation.
The minister discussed during his meeting on (Wednesday) with the Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ken Saito, on the sidelines of the Japan-Arab Forum in Tokyo, the possibility of strengthening the trade relation between the two countries through strategic projects in the fields of renewable energy, mining and agriculture.
He added that he also discussed, based on Japan’s amazing experience in the renaissance after the World War, ways to benefit from Japan’s expertise in reconstruction in Sudan after the end of the war.
The Japanese side expressed its readiness to extend a helping hand with technical and logistical support.
The Sudanese delegation included, addition to the minister, the Chargé d’Affairs of the Sudanese Embassy in Japan, Ali Mohamed Ahmed, and Suleiman Abdullah, Director of the Office, while the Japanese delegation included Masayoshi Arai, Director of Trade Policies, Masashi Watanabe, Director of the Africa and Middle East Department, in addition Sugira, Deputy Director of Policies.

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