
New Scene .. Cheers of Taqddum Leaders at the Cairo Conference… Back to Cold Zero!!!

Abdel Sami Al-Omrani


Cairo Conference, which began with high ambitions that all the people of Sudan clung to, but quickly ended up as a small, deformed baby that came after a difficult labor, the result or conclusion of which was a small protocol statement written with the breaths and fingers of Taqddum . Those fingers that drafted it deliberately avoided directing criticism or condemnation at the Rapid Support Forces RSF and were unable to utter a word of truth about Janjaweed’s injustice to the people of Sudan.
Whatever the case, in our estimation, the conference has created a Sudanese national movement after a long period of stagnation and deadly political inactivity that affected the entire political system in Sudan. This conference came under the auspices of and sincere Egyptian desire to reunite the Sudanese family to preserve the Sudanese state from collapse and disintegration.
Egypt was able to bring together the Sudanese factions for the first time after more than a year of war imposed on our armed forces RSF.
Although the conference ignored the presence of the most important actors and players in the Sudanese political and security arena, namely the Sudanese army and the Sudanese Islamic Movement and its political front (the National Congress), that large dissolved party.
Perhaps what caught our attention the most was the sight of the leaders of the Coordination of Civil Democratic Powers (Taqddum ) standing and chanting in a childish manner, pointing their fingers in the victory sign and some of them with other signs known to the Islamic political components, such as the signs of the opportunist Suleiman Sandal, who sold everything and abandoned his principles and the cause of his people and became obsessed only with how to take revenge and gloat over the leaders and citizens of Nile Sudan.
We were deeply pained to see these leaders behaving in the same old ways and methods, those childish chants and actions that they had been accustomed to when they were in power, which is a kind of naivety, irresponsibility and a waste of time.
It is sad to see them still with the same pre-war mentality, continuing with their arrogance, tyranny, stupidity, old grudges and repeated phrases that the Sudanese people are tired of nothing has changed and they have returned us to the cold zero point because in their outdated illusions they want it to be pure power for them alone with some extra players who can put them on the sidelines.
How we wished that this past year would be heavy and harsh on Sudan after the Janjaweed gangs made the Sudanese people taste the woes and pains after they practiced killing, looting, plundering, destruction, devastation and displacement of citizens, raping girls and women and selling some of them in the markets of the far west, robbing homes, offices, companies and banks and destroying institutions, markets, hotels and hospitals and they did not leave any disgrace or evil or ugly act without committing it against the Sudanese citizen in Khartoum, Gezira Kordofan and Darfur. All those shameful acts and terrible violations did not occupy the minds of Taqaddum as much as they were occupied by the necessity of not achieving a complete, comprehensive and harmonious Sudanese accord, because a complete accord would include the Islamists, that annoying bogeyman who occupies their hearts and minds day and night.
They only focus on the necessity of the absence of Islamists in Sudan in any political, social, economic or security form, which is impossible according to the political calculations in Sudan, although the leaders of Progress know very well that exclusion is impossible and the complete elimination of Islamists in Sudan is the fourth impossibility.
It was very unfortunate to see the masses of the Sudanese people inside the country who were burned by the torments of forced displacement fleeing the brutality of the Rapid Support Forces RSF mercenaries, as well as the suffering of the Sudanese who sought refuge in some Gulf countries, Egypt, Libya and a number of African countries, South Sudan, Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Uganda and Rwanda, who are facing harsh conditions and complex psychological and humanitarian situations, which those who sought refuge in Libya, Egypt and Ethiopia are now facing.
It was sad for them to see the leaders of Progress lining up in a theatrical manner chanting the phrases of the one-man theater, forgetting and ignoring the extent of the suffering, grief and tragedies facing the Sudanese citizen inside the country who is burned by the fires of crushing high prices and the scarcity and even lack of essential services, in addition to the insults and contempt that the displaced abroad face in the countries of asylum.
All of these are humanitarian reasons that did not affect or influence the leaders of Progress, as they are still in their delusions and old illusions and their outdated false slogans (freedom, peace, and justice) and revolution.
The people’s choice, yes, they are legitimate choices that honest youth groups have believed in and sacrificed their most precious things for so that they would become a reality in the political scene in Sudan, so that there would be freedom in Sudan, real freedom that comes after holding free and fair elections after a healthy transitional period free from personal interests and settling private scores, with the preparation of an agreed-upon transitional constitution that brings together all Sudanese and excludes no one, and after that, justice and peace will certainly be achieved and a permanent democratic constitution will come to govern the country.
These are the choices of the real revolution, not the false slogans on the tongues of the leaders of Taqddum .
What matters to the leaders of Progress is how to gloat, take revenge and drink the blood of their Islamist opponents and the Democratic Bloc.
All their concerns are limited to completely eliminating the Islamists through the Rapid Support Forces RSF rifle that they celebrate secretly and publicly, and their hopes are to scatter the ashes of the Islamists in the air, which is one of the hopes that one of the leaders of the extreme Sudanese left stated in a live interview during the transitional period of revenge, according toHiba. How we would have liked to see the leaders of Taqddum in a new form, sitting in a circle, begging the Democratic Bloc group to join them, and to include in that national circle all Sudanese political currents, Islamists, Sunni supporters and others, without excluding or rejecting any political party.
How we hoped that there would be a concession and a descent from the ivory tower in order to stop the suffering of the Sudanese people and save them from this disaster that has placed them in the category of displacement, asylum, homelessness, loss and hunger, and how we hoped to see a strong and unified position from Taqddum Bloc to condemn the ongoing attacks that large areas of Sudan are being subjected to by the criminal Rapid Support RSF gangs, but after that shameful and disappointing appearance of Taqddum leaders and their display of sympathy and implicit bias that appears in Hamdok’s evasive tongue and the public support shown by the statements of Abu Al-Jukh and Al-Faki, which affirmed their blatant bias towards the Rapid Support RSF against their country’s army, and all their hopes are for the Rapid Support RSF to triumph over the armed forces and the Sudanese citizen so that they can return to power at any price.
These gray positions have caused frustration, despair and regret among large segments of the Sudanese people, as they watch the same faces with the same physical movements that are overshadowed by whims of gloating and revenge, which they try to cover up with a false touch of nobility, but body language indicates hypocrisy and malice that is not hidden from anyone with insight.
It is truly sad for the afflicted Sudanese citizen to watch, sad and painful to watch the naive and childish behavior of the leaders of Taqddum as they act with an enviable stupidity, is it conceivable that there is not among them a man with the cunning of Mahjoub or the cunning of Turabi and the wisdom of Sadiq al-Mahdi and the politeness and sobriety of criticism, do they not know how to play politics, is there not among them a student of political science to teach them that politics is the art of the possible and not the adherence to the impossible.
It is a surprising and astonishing matter, a matter that prompts us to cry with sadness and anguish over the future of Sudan, and in conclusion we cry with the poet of Nile Hafez Ibrahim…..
The mother of the difference between you, the mother….
And this great uproar is a sign.

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