
The Opened Fronts against the SAF

Osman Mirghani

The Sudanese army SAF is fighting in very difficult and very complex situations due to many internal and external factors, during which it faces a fierce and systematic media and psychological war with the aim of breaking it, at a time when Sudan is taking a dangerous test that exceeds the destruction.
The tremendous and ugly abuse that occurred, to a real existential threat to the country, as we knew it.
The SAF is also fighting in light of the shortage of military supplies and something like a siege to prevent it from obtaining its needs, with the aim of weakening it and putting pressure on it, a situation that exacerbates the scarcity of financial capabilities after the state lost most of its resources as a result of the massive destruction of its institutions, factories and infrastructure ,and the paralysis that afflicted most of the aspects of life as a result of the war.
This is at a time while the Rapid Support Forces RSF are receiving large supplies of military equipment, and from the Arab diaspora and mercenaries, to compensate for the huge losses they have suffered since the start of the war.
It was not surprising that the army was subjected to setbacks and defeats under these complex situations.
This is part of the nature of wars, and it has faced many armies around the world, and its military and internal situation was much better, including the American army, which is the strongest in the world.
However, it faced setbacks and defeats from the world. Vietnam to Afghanistan by irregular forces.
The important thing is that despite all the difficult circumstances in which he is fighting, the Sudanese army remained steadfast and did not break, as its opponents wished.
Paradoxically, some of those who attack the army are waiting at the same time to liberate their homes and neighborhoods, which were occupied by the Rapid Support Forces RSF in order to return to them.
Others who attack him live in safe areas because of his presence there, and if not, they would have joined the convoys of those who left their homes and property and fled as soon as the “Rapid Support Forces RSF .entered them.
The SAF is safety, and it is the protector of the country in this difficult circumstance, no matter how big its opponents are, and no matter how much they try to let it down, and discourage people and their frustration. Many regional and international parties, including the US administration, do not want the collapse of the Sudanese state in any way, and stresses the preservation of its institutions, including the army’s institution.
The US Special Envoy, Tom Pierrello, said it clearly, who participated in the political and civil forces conference in Cairo, days before the Egyptian leadership, which stressed the great importance of preserving the state and its institutions, including the armed forces SAF , for its role in protecting the country, its national security and unity in the face of any.
Threats come to him from inside or outside, as they are now. There is a wide awareness of the fact that any collapse of the Sudanese army SAF will lead the country to chaos of unknown consequences, and may lead to the collapse of the state, or what remains of it, and this will have wide repercussions on the entire region, and directly on the neighboring countries.
Many neighboring countries, such as Ethiopia, Chad and South Sudan, are suffering from a fragile security situation, and internal problems that make them unbearable to spread the effects of the war on them. Add to this fears that Sudan will become a hotbed for mobile terrorist groups that are always looking for a chaotic environment, and have expanded their activities in Africa in recent years.
What increases the conviction of a number of countries is that it is in the interest not to collapse the Sudanese army SAF or State, as it sees that the Rapid Support Forces RSF have become largely out of the control of their leaders after the loss of an estimated part of their solid strength, and the joining of large numbers of Arab diaspora mercenaries and others to Its ranks and their main concern is the looting of property and cars, and indiscriminate killing.
From here, some countries supporting the Rapid Support Forces RSF have begun to decline their positions to preserve their interests and fear the impact of the war will be transferred to it.
Chad contacted the Sudanese army SAF leadership with the aim of reforming relations, and that secret talks were held between the two countries. In parallel, there are moves and contacts to resume efforts to end the war, whether through calls by the army regarding the negotiations of the Jeddah pulpit, or through conferences, as happened in Cairo, to arrange a dialogue between the political and civil forces in order to reach a comprehensive accord. There are also indications of field developments that will enhance the military’s military situation in the capital, Gezira , and Darfur as well, which means that the Sudanese arena is a candidate for events that will have an impact on the course of this war, after the army succeeded in resilience to the great challenges it faced, and it was not broken, as some bet or wished.

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