
Seizure of a huge Drugs Shipment in Port Sudan

Events – Nahid Oshi

The Anti-Smuggling Forces in the Red Sea State seized about (424) kilograms of drugs in one of the areas south of Port Sudan. The Acting Minister of Interior, Maj.Gen. Khalil Basha Sayreen, praised the great efforts made by the Anti-Smuggling Forces in the Red Sea, stressing their support for them by providing all the necessary assistance, and called for more efforts to protect the economy, combat smuggling, and protect society from all different security threats.
For his part, the Acting Director of Customs Forces, Maj.Gen.Salah Ahmed Ibrahim, said that the seizure is considered one of the qualitative and large seizures due to the presence of international gangs specialized in this field behind it and the great danger that weapons pose to the security of the Red Sea State, particularly in light of the war conditions.
For his part, the Assistant Director General for Combating Smuggling, Major General Hashim Mohammed Ahmed Al Khalifa, renewed their full commitment to combating all forms of smuggling through land and sea patrols and bases that work day and night with strong determination in order to maintain the security and safety of citizens.
He explained that drugs are a major supporter of the rebel militia by anesthetizing its soldiers in battles, as it is difficult for the rebels to confront the attacks of the armed forces except by anesthetizing them with these drugs, stressing that his forces are on the lookout for all these failed attempts. In the context, the Director of the Anti-Smuggling Department in the Red Sea, Brig. Gen. Abbas Abdul Qader Dinar, said that the seizure was made after information was available and after close monitoring and follow-up, (297) kilograms of the narcotic substance ice, (64) kilograms of cocaine, (2) kilograms of hashish, and (4) kilograms of heroin were seized, in addition to (57) kilograms of lithium sulphate, two Qarnof cannons, and ten Kalashnikov rifles. The smuggling vehicle (GMC vehicle) was also seized.

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