
Bargaining on Sudan .. This is what President Burhan refrained from ..

Rashan Oshi

Sudan and its opponents are living a period of discovering the other for who he really is. He did not expect that they would be treacherous and ready to sacrifice him and attack him to plunder his wealth, and they did not expect that he would be stubborn and fierce to this degree.
He woke up with their knives stuck in his back. In one moment, they ignored all the achievements of his sons with them, which they were the ones who promoted the most over the past years.
The state, concerned about the interests of millions of Sudanese in the Gulf states, tried to compliment the real enemy, but it was shocked by his treachery and ingratitude.
On the other hand, this war revealed to the militia sponsors that they are betting on a losing horse, but they are disturbed by the stubbornness of the national army and its adherence to its battle and cause.
Our dear professor “Dr. Muzamil Abu Al-Qasim” wrote: “President Al-Burhan referred in his speech when they met him, to some countries that impose an undeclared siege on the Sudanese army SAF , preventing it from its right to buy weapons, detaining ships and preventing planes from crossing their airspace, all of this to force the army SAF to sign a (contract of submission) in the form of a peace agreement with those who violated the honor of the Sudanese and usurped its land, to ensure a weak political authority that grants it what it wants. .
Dear “Muzamil” asked Al-Burhan to reveal the names of those countries and expose them to the people.

Our dear “Muzamil” Al-Burhan will not do that because he feels responsible towards millions of Sudanese citizens in the Emirates (UAE )and Saudi Arabia, and they represent the main source of livelihood for millions of displaced and refugee families.
“Dr. Muzamil Abu Al-Qasim” One of the strangest scenes these days is seeing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia secretly playing the same role that the Emirates played publicly.
It is trying to deceive the political establishment and the media and intellectual elites that You know they are conspirators behind the scenes and not friends.
This war is different from its predecessors in Sudan, in that there are no factors that can stop the militia from fighting, because it is fighting on behalf of the ambitions of countries that have enough money and wealth to buy everyone, and thus throw dust in the eyes of the truth.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which detained ships carrying weapons to the Sudanese army SAF which were bought with the money of the state and the people, cannot be a neutral mediator to achieve peace, but its strong insistence on “Jeddah platform” to ensure its influence over the post-war authority, because it competes with the Emirates in its ambitions related to ports, gold, and men to fight to defend the authority of the ruling family against the attacks of the “Houthi” revolutionaries.
The huge financial losses of the Rapid Support RSF Militia since April 15, and the losses of continuing the fighting, are being compensated by its allies.
There is no international resolution ordering a ceasefire, or preventing these countries from supplying the rebels with weapons.
The World community is an arena for debate between the forces that are fighting to occupy Sudan through the rifle of militias and mercenaries.
On the other side of the battle, there is no force that supports the “Sudanese army SAF with weapons, all so that the state is forced to accept a political solution, and the Saudi leadership’s retention of the rebel forces as a force separate from the Sudanese army SAF in “Operation Decisive Storm”, and the appointment of “Mohamed Ismail Dagalo” as its commander is the best evidence of the conspiracy, although they denied their knowledge and disavowed the media activity of the rebels inside their land.
In this crisis, “Egypt” realizes that its sister is living under a political siege, that what the great Gulf states are doing is an attempt to break the resolve of the Sudanese army SAF Egypt’s historical ally, and chose to remain neutral in order to preserve Egypt’s interests with the Emirates and Saudi Arabia, and this is a legitimate right that cannot be denied, and what is credited to it is that it continued to provide aid to the people of Sudan and its inner voice says “Our hearts are with you.”
A year and a quarter has passed since the war, and the Sudanese people and their army can continue fighting to defend their land and honor for more years until victory.
The real loser is the incubators of the militias, not the state or the Sudanese army. They are the ones who pay the highest price, about 35 thousand dead and 70,000 wounded, according to initial official statistics.
As for how the Sudanese army was able to confront the Saudi-Emirati siege, and the neighboring countries that allied with the militias through Emirati political money, it is a long and complicated story. In short, the Sudanese army SAF despite the siege imposed on it, and even if it did not liberate the occupied cities, was able to thwart and reduce the “Gulf greed” plan.
“Dr. Muzamil”, this is what President “Burhan” did not say explicitly in order to preserve the interests of his subjects in the conspiring countries, but we say it.. Defending our country is a duty that makes us confront the tyrants with bare chests.
My love and respect

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