
Launching the Organic Agriculture and Home Farming Initiative in the White Nile

Sudan Events – Rehab

The Acting Minister of Production and Economic Resources of the White Nile state, Wisal Al-Sheikh Farah, accompanied by Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Jaali, the Acting Secretary-General of the State Government, launched on Friday at the Government Secretariat in Barak the Organic Agriculture and Home Farming Initiative Project in the state by planting samples of fruit tree seedlings and distributing quality fruitful seedlings to the workers in the Secretariat.
The Acting Minister of Production and Economic Resources of the State said that this initiative comes within the framework of the Ministry’s plan to promote organic and home farming programs by distributing fruit tree seedlings as one of the initiative programs for workers to enter the production cycle to produce fruitful, safe and healthy trees free of fertilizers and pesticides.
The Acting Secretary-General of the White Nile Government, Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Jaali, pointed out the importance of this initiative, through which more than one hundred fruitful seedlings were distributed in addition to planting other seedlings in the Secretariat Square to encourage citizens to turn to organic agriculture and fruit trees in support of the local economy and thus the national economy.
For his part, the initiative coordinator, Nasreddin Zakaria Khamis, expressed his happiness with the adoption of the state government secretariat of the organic agriculture project, which has become the world’s concern to reduce the risks of the supposed use of fertilizers and pesticides to preserve the safety of human health and future generations and improve the environment. Therefore, this launch came with planting samples of fruitful seedlings and distributing others within the framework of home agriculture to move forward in this program.

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