
Security Council calls on UN member States to refrain from Intervention in Sudan Conflict

Sudan Events – Agencies

Members of the UN Security Council expressed their deep concern about the dire humanitarian situation and severe food insecurity in Sudan. They also expressed concern about the continued violations of international law and the devastating impact of the current conflict on civilians, including women and children.
The members of the UN Security Council welcomed the holding of indirect talks in Geneva between the army and the Rapid Support Forces RSF by the Secretary-General’s Special Envoy, Ramtane Lamamra.
The members of the Security Council urged the two parties to de-escalate, cease hostilities and ensure the protection of civilians, including in El Fasher, in accordance with international humanitarian law and human rights law.
The members called on the two parties to seize the opportunity of the talks to agree on steps to implement these goals urgently and work towards a sustainable end to the crisis in Sudan.
The members of the UN Security Council also called on the two parties to agree on further steps to allow and facilitate safe and unhindered humanitarian access to and throughout Sudan.
They called on all UN Member States to refrain from external interference that foments conflict and instability, and instead support mediation efforts for sustainable peace.

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