
Talks between the Minister of Finance and the Governor of Bank of Japan

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

The Sudanese Minister of Finance and National Economy, Dr. Jibril Ibrahim, announced the efforts of the Sudanese government to attract foreign investments by facilitating procedures and adopting the necessary laws.
He affirmed during his meeting with the Governor of Japan Bank for International Cooperation, Hayashi Nobumitsu, Sudan’s welcome to Japanese investments and the contribution of the Japanese private sector to infrastructure projects within the reconstruction efforts in the post-war period.
For his part, Hayashi welcomed the financing of Japanese companies wishing to invest in Sudan after the situation in Sudan stabilizes.
It is worth noting that the main goal of the bank is to enhance economic cooperation between Japan and foreign countries by providing resources for foreign investments and enhancing international trade.
The bank also plays a major role in enhancing Japanese exports and imports.

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