
Sudan calls on Gum Importers to support Gum Arabic Sector

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Head of the Gum Arabic Exporters Division, Ahmed Al-Tayeb Al-Anan, revealed that a briefing request was sent to the AIPG and its membership and to 12 companies importing Gum Arabic in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Japan and Turkey, to assume their social responsibility towards the Gum Arabic sector, as a second move after launching the seed bank initiative that began with paying contributions to support small Gum Arabic producers in Sudan.
Al-Anan expressed his thanks to Ambassador Hassan Jad Karim for the formulation, advice and guidance based on his experience with international organizations.
The division member Al-Daqeir called for moving the dossier with AIPG as he is the organization’s deputy.
He called on every exporter to exploit his relationship with his customer to urge him to donate.

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