
Bakery Owners in Shendi pledge not to increase Bread Prices

Sudan Events-Shendi – Rehab Abdullah

Bakery owners in Shendi locality pledged to adhere to the prices and weights of bread, which are ten pieces of bread at the weight known as SDGs 1,000, despite the increase in the prices of bread production inputs and thus the increase in production costs.
Bakery owners affirmed during the visit made by the Executive Director of Shendi locality Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh and the Director of the Intelligence Service Ahmed Farah to a number of bakeries, they confirmed their appreciation for the security situation that the country is going through and the economic conditions that the citizen is suffering from.
Bakery owners explained that they are part of this people and that the concern is shared between them and the citizens despite the pressures imposed by the market on the bread industry.
Bakery owners confirmed their support for the armed forces SAF that are fighting the dignity battle against the militia and those behind them, adding that cooperation with the authorities and citizens is part of supporting national security in the country.
The Executive Director of Shendi locality Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh praised the great national role of bakery owners as they work under the exceptional circumstances that the country is going through.
The Executive Director appreciated the great interaction of bakery owners with the citizen and the authorities until the country passes through this crisis and things return to normal with the victory of the forces and the defeat of the international and regional aggression against Sudan, which used the militia as a cat’s claw in implementing its plan. In addition, a number of citizens who happened to be in the bakeries with the officials’ visit expressed their satisfaction with the commitment of bakery owners to prices and weights and the national spirit that bakery owners enjoy in all situations , particularly in such critical circumstances that the country is in.

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