
Red Cross: We received more than (900) requests to search for missing Sudanese

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)announced, on Thursday, that it had helped 20,000 Sudanese families dispersed by the conflict to contact their members, during the first half of this year.
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) indicated in a statement that it had received during this period more than 900 requests to search for missing persons, and more than 450 allegations of arrest from families searching for their relatives, affirming the continuation of its bilateral and undeclared dialogue with the parties to the conflict to remind them of their obligations under international humanitarian law.
The committee revealed that it had trained 1,445 individuals carrying weapons across Sudan, in order to enhance their knowledge of the rules of war, during the period from January to June of this year.
The International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC) reported that the ongoing conflict has deprived millions of people of basic services such as food, water and health care.
It affirmed that the fighting and displacement have caused farmers to miss consecutive planting seasons, causing commodity prices to rise and food to be insufficient to meet the needs of many families.
It reported that most of the farmers trapped in their areas were unable to cultivate their lands due to insecurity, fuel and seed shortages, and lack of money to finance agricultural operations.
“The humanitarian situation is very critical in towns like El Fasher, where people have been trapped in the crossfire for months, and some parts of the country are inaccessible even by phone,” said Pierre Dorbes, head of the ICRC delegation in Sudan.
“What we have been able to do in the past 6 months is very little compared to the immense suffering we see every day. People are in dire need of more urgent assistance,” he added.

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