
Khartoum Authorities warn against Harboring and Employing Foreigners without legalising their Status

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The security authorities in Khartoum state warned, on Thursday, against harboring and employing foreigners without the knowledge of the police, and threatened to take legal action against violators.
A circular issued by the Khartoum state Media stated that “the Director of the Foreigners Affairs Department in Khartoum state, Police Col. Nizar Khalil, issued a warning to anyone who harbors a foreigner or rents a house for him or uses him for domestic work or in a factory or shop or any activity without legalizing his immigration status and without the knowledge of the Passports and Immigration Police, the Foreigners Affairs Department.”
The Director of the Foreigners Affairs Department in the state affirmed that anyone who violates this will expose themselves to legal accountability.

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