
The Government Rejects any Entities Parallel to the Official Institutions in Humanitarian Work

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The Sudanese government delegation to Geneva talks announced its rejection of any entities parallel to the official institutions responsible for humanitarian work.
The Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and head of the government delegation, Salwa Adam Benya, said in a statement on Saturday that the government delegation held (11) sessions with the office of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations UN for Sudan, headed by Ramtane Lamamra, including (9) sessions at the level of specialized technical teams from both sides, and the discussions mainly focused on (humanitarian aid axes) in terms of international funding, joint assessment, priorities and measures, crossings and paths for humanitarian access specified by the state, and sustainable solutions for those affected.
She affirmed that the discussions were characterized by a good degree of positivity that can be built upon to normalize the humanitarian situation in the country.
She pointed out that in fulfillment of its obligations to facilitate humanitarian access to those in need in different regions of Sudan regardless of their religion and ethnicity, the government has completed, during the past six months, granting (1529) entry visas to humanitarian workers from UN organizations and bodies and (10944) movement permits and notifications, in addition to granting customs and tax exemptions and all fees on imports of humanitarian aid and machinery estimated at about $360 million .
She revealed facilitating the entry of hundreds of trucks carrying humanitarian aid, including (542) trucks through the Tina crossing in addition to (60) trucks previously to the states of Greater Darfur, in addition to increasing the number of crossings from 2 to 9 crossings by 80% of what they were before to deliver humanitarian aid.
She pointed out that the response of the international community to humanitarian aid is very small in Sudan compared to the actual need of the needy among the displaced, returnees, host communities, and Sudanese refugees in neighboring countries, and called on the international community and donors to fulfill their pledges and obligations towards the needy.
Salwa said that with regard to the item of protecting civilians, the government delegation reiterated its emphasis that this item belongs in Jeddah forum, stressing that the obligations of Jeddah Declaration for the protection of civilians must first be fully and urgently implemented in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (3) of Security Council Resolution 2736.
The government delegation reiterated its emphasis and keenness to continue positive engagement with the United Nations UN to alleviate the humanitarian suffering of the Sudanese people within the framework of respecting Sudan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and in accordance with the laws, policies, and national priorities governing humanitarian affairs.
Salwa affirmed that the rebel militias have been attacking and looting aid and suppressing defenceless civilians, and she continued, “In this context, the government delegation calls on the World Community to oblige the rebel militias to enforce the requirements of Jeddah Declaration for the Protection of Civilians.”

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