
Blue Nile Bans the Monopoly of Goods

Sudan Events – Nahid Oshi

The Blue Nile government issued an emergency order banning the monopoly of basic consumer goods in the region (oils, flour, corn, onions, sugar, Egyptian beans, lentils and rice), and demanded that the competent authorities be informed of the quantity of stored goods and their storage locations.
The emergency order prohibited the monopoly of these goods or their storage for the purpose of concealing them with the intention of controlling the sale and purchase of goods in the market.
It directed the owners of goods to display goods to the public for sale.
The emergency order approved a package of powers and orders, the most important of which is granting the authorities the power to seize and enter shops or warehouses or suspected stores for the purpose of inspection and requesting and examining commercial books.
It directed the police and the public prosecution to exercise all powers in accordance with the Criminal Law of 1991 to seize goods and arrest persons monopolizing goods, and the order approved a package of penalties.

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