
Former Secretary General of the Tax Authority calls for Security Measures to Deter Crisis Merchants

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

The former Secretary General of the Tax Authority, Dr. Ahmed Adam Salem, confirmed that the war led to economic deterioration in Sudan and negatively affected the agricultural, industrial and service production process, and the commercial movement internally and externally, and thus the state’s revenues decreased and it failed to provide salaries for workers.
He said in his interview with (Sudan Events ) that all of this led to the deterioration of the value of the local currency and the rise in inflation rates and commodity prices, which increased the citizens’ living suffering.
He believed that alleviating the suffering of citizens depends on crushing the rebellion, the victory of the armed forces SAF ,stopping the war, establishing peace, and the return of the Sudanese people to their homeland to resume their normal lives, in addition to focusing funding on production and directing the banking system to do so, and taking some strict security measures in safe states to provide security for producers and deter those who manipulate the citizen’s food from crisis merchants, addition to encouraging imports from all outlets to work on increasing supply to reduce the price by reducing customs duties and value added and encouraging exports to obtain hard currency by exempting exports from fees and working to secure the movement of transportation and deportation internally and opening and securing markets.

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