
FAO Presents (447) tons of Corn as a Gift to the River Nile

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Minister of Production and Economic Resources in the River Nile state, Salah Ali Karkaba, affirmed that the state is capable of achieving food security for the country.
Salah inaugurated the first batch of the grant provided by the FAO at the Agricultural Bank warehouses in Ad-Damar, which consists of 447 tons of corn, including 20 tons of “Tabat” variety and 427 tons of the “Wad Ahmed” variety.
He affirmed that this work represents one of the major achievements and one of the good news for the people and citizens of the state and the country in general, particularly since the project will contribute to the cultivation of more than 150,000 acres in the state in the first phase and will reach 300,000 acres in the future plan, praising the interaction of the FAO and the Peace Organization for Development with the state in the food security achievement program, and reassured that the country will not be struck by hunger, adding that the project came at the right time, especially since the state is receiving very large numbers of arrivals to the state as a result of the ongoing rebellion events, and directed the localities and the relevant departments to closely follow up on these quantities of seeds and ensure their distribution. For his part, the Secretary-General of the state Government, Osman Mohamed Osman, thanked the FAO and the Peace Organization for Development for this valuable gift to the state, and added that the state has a great burden due to the emergence of a large number of agricultural projects, so it is necessary for everyone to unite and cooperate to compensate for the loss by increasing production, and directed the localities to expedite the establishment of large warehouses to accommodate seeds and production inputs and implement the directives of the state Government Council of Ministers in this regard.
The head of the Department of Agriculture, Salah Al-Mamoun, expressed his happiness at achieving this accomplishment and the arrival of these quantities of seeds as a grant from the FAO.
He pointed out that these quantities will be distributed directly to all localities, and he gave the good news that these quantities of seeds that arrived with the good news of the success of this year’s fall and the irrigation of all valleys, which will contribute to planting them with the “Wad Ahmed” variety, which will enable the state to obtain an abundant crop of corn.
For her part, the project coordinator and the Peace Organization for Development, Ramisa Al-Sheikh, indicated that the organization has a previous experience with the state in the previous winter season in providing seeds that were distributed to more than 20,000 producers in the state.
She explained that this year the grant was increased and vegetable seeds were introduced, about five thousand grams of okra and watermelon seeds.
She added that this project benefits more than 400,000 beneficiaries from the state and aims to achieve food security for Sudan and the state in light of the ongoing war and to cover any expected gap, particularly at the state level, which receives large numbers of arrivals to the state. She praised the great cooperation they found from the state, the Department of Agriculture and the Humanitarian Aid Commission in the state, stressing their continued full cooperation with the state to make the food security program a success.

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