
Al-Burhan: We will not put down the Gun until we clean up the Country from the Rebels

Sudan Events – Follow ups


President of the Sovereignty Council TSC Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces SAF 1st Lt. Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, said that they will not put down the gun until the country is cleaned up from any rebel, mercenary, or anything else in crushing Daglo family militia ,and eliminating it.

He explained that he had addressed, on Wednesday, the graduates of the graduating batches of military students that the graduation of these officers prepares the new work teams, and actually graduates the heroes who are fighting the battle of dignity.

He said our battle With the enemy continues , and yet we do not retreat or surrender, but we do not negotiate with anyone important,” and yet they do not believe in peace, welcomed it with all the sincere effort towards peace, but peace must preserve the pride and dignity of the Sudanese people, part of you “I hope that the war stops and our heads are up and victorious, the war cannot stop while Daglo family s only present in the homes and is besieged in Abanousa and the villages of Gezira and Al-Fasher.”

Al-Burhan will continue to be present in these areas for a long time, and the war will continue continuously.

Addressing the graduating officers, he said that their great staff for the ranks of the armed forces at this time when the world has reached conspiracies that have joined the forces of the armed forces and their readiness to enlighten those who thwart these figures, and they added, “We are able to support this fight and eliminate it.”

President of the Sovereignty Council TSC renewed his welcome to any peace negotiations, but he said that they must accommodate all the morrow and the popular struggle movements in the battle of dignity, without the army being the one fighting in this battle, so negotiations must accompany us with visions to educate the popular.


He pointed out that any special place for negotiations must recognize the government of Sudan and its sovereignty over the judiciary, and Al-Burhan said, “We want to warn the general special envoy for the fetus, Ramadan Lamamra, not to adopt any vision of the rebels and to participate with the government of Sudan in addition to any initiative,” and he shared with us that even the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia starts from the United States of America if they want to help in the issue of peace in Sudan, they must talk to the government of Sudan and listen if they consider it participating in stopping the war like peace, certainly it has happened before and it happened with the militia in Jeddah and did not adhere to it, but rather persisted in its aggression against the Sudanese people and violated their offers and what they own.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces SAF said, “There is no escape from fighting this battle until the end and the battle will be won,” affirming that this land is for everyone and the ancestors who preserved it and sealed it with blood and we continue on their path.

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