
Thwarting Human Smuggling and deploying Military Reinforcements on the border with Ethiopia

Sudan Events – Follow-ups


The security authorities in Gedarif state arrested, on Wednesday, a gang active in smuggling and human trafficking near the border with Ethiopia.

The Executive Director of Basanda Locality, Abu Al-Qasim Abdul Samad, told “Sudan Tribune” that “the joint security room arrested a human trafficking smuggling gang consisting of five Sudanese while they were trying to smuggle about 33 Ethiopian citizens.”

Sources informed “Sudan Tribune” that the illegal immigrants coming from the “Shenfa Mariam” areas in Ethiopia were arrested in the Badrak 16 area of ​​Basanda Locality, adjacent to the Ethiopian Amhara region.

The local official pointed out that a Kalashnikov weapon was seized from the gang, explaining that the security committee has been monitoring the movements of human trafficking and drug gangs after the smugglers recently resorted to exploiting animals and agricultural machinery in their smuggling activities due to the roughness of the roads due to the rainfall.

He explained that the gang was planning to hand over the migrants to the leader of the group to complete their migration to Europe for $1,000 per person.

He revealed that criminal cases were filed against the smuggling group at the Basanda Police Department under Articles 26 Weapons and Ammunition and 32 of the Passports and Immigration Law and 5/7 of the State Human Trafficking Law.

The local official announced the deployment of military reinforcements on the border equipped with modern communication devices to monitor the borders and limit the spread of human trafficking gangs.

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