
Expectations of the Rainfed Agriculture Decline to (20) million Acres

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Deputy head of the Farmers’ Association for the Rainfed Sector, Ghariq Kambal, reassured that the preparations for the summer season are going well to some extent in some states and regions, while he said that it has not started in other states, adding, “In general, there has been some financing activity, but it is small.”
He said in his interview with (Sudan Events ) that the Agricultural Bank has partially financed diesel in some branches in safe areas, including South Kordofan, but he confirmed that financing has not started in some areas yet, including the Blue Nile.
It also stopped in Sennar due to the current situation, while it has currently started in the White Nile state.
Ghariq expected a significant decrease in the targeted area for agriculture, which may reach less than 20 million acres in rainfed agriculture, compared to 37 million acres previously, and expressed his hope that the Agricultural Bank will proceed with completing the financing of diesel, adding that the rains are very promising for the summer season.

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