
The Day of General Jalha is not Far Away: Commander of Sudden Death (2-2)

Abdullah Ali Ibrahim

The article returned in its criticism of America’s approach to making the armed forces equal to the Rapid Support Forces RSF to two American experiences in dissolving the armies of Haiti and Iraq, which caused a disaster that overwhelmed the two countries. The monopoly of weapons in them was broken, militias prevailed in Iraq, and gangs took control of Haiti. I said:
The signs of the dissolution of the Sudanese army SAF are on the horizon. Even those who wanted the “Rapid Support” forces RSF to be integrated into the armed forces SAFaccording to the framework agreement before the war, then turned to calling for the dissolution of both into a professional national army. This is a vague and more risky plan carried out by opponents of the Salvation who have a grudge against its army, and issued from an opposing political emotion, not a mind in the jurisprudence of the state, as the man from Haiti said well.
Rather, it is from the fabric of Iraq’s opposition to the rule of the (Baath) , whose grievances with it were settled after its collapse by dissolving its army. Not like America, whose armies in Haiti and Iraq were dissolved in its brutality, resulting in a great calamity for both countries, is anyone who reviews the leaders of Sudanese civil society groups without a plan to dissolve the SAF.
America is still committed to restoring the path of democratic transformation that this war interrupted, as if the war were just a “break and we will continue”, while it will be fraught with dangers if we strike into an unknown Sudanese area where there is no SAF or State.
Last week, a window was provided for us to see these dangers as the composition of the “Rapid Support” RSF militias was revealed to us in the “General Jalha incident” that filled Sudan and occupied the people. Frightening militia formations emerged, and if their forces prevailed, perhaps the democratic transition would be the last thing Sudan would need.
Al-Hadath TV channel showed the advisor to the “Rapid Support RSF “, Imran Abdullah, a statement by Gen.Mohamed Al-Sadiq Jalha, that his forces included foreigners from Niger, Africa, South Sudan and Libya.
In the context of the Rapid Support Forces RSF denying the presence of foreign fighters in its ranks, I asked him if Jalha was an authorized military commander in the Rapid Support Forces RSF whose word could be taken into consideration . Omran responded by saying that he was a member of the military and not a leader with a say in the Rapid Support Forces RSF . He added that “if everyone says whatever they want, the Rapid Support Forces RSF will not be an institution.” Gen. Jalha, his leaders and forces were furious at this belittling of his status, a revolt that has occupied public opinion in recent days.
Their statements revealed facts about the military structure of the Rapid Support Forces RSF and its allied militias, raising questions about the nature of the chain of command, control and coordination within it.
The biography of Gen.Jalha is the biography of a group of armed adventurers who went into politics during the Salvation era when it needed a hired gun to put down rebellions against it in the cheapest way, as they say.
He went out in a movement called “Brave People of Kordofan” (the state bordering Darfur to the east) and from the Misseriya Baggara people, groups of whom were used by successive governments in their war against the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (John Garang). The general mentioned times he spent in South Sudan, perhaps because he was a member of the Popular Defense Forces of the Salvation Government.
Then he mentioned days he spent in the Sudan Liberation Movement (Abdul Wahid Muhammad Nur).
The general returned to Sudan from Libya in a convoy of armed men and Thatcherites in September 2023.
It seems that he left for Libya after his release in 2014 after five years of imprisonment from a 14-year sentence that exempted him from the death sentence issued against him in the Salvation State.
It is not clear what the charge was that day, but the prison angered him against the Salvation and perhaps that was the beginning of his armed movement.
The general appeared to support the December 2018 revolution against both the army and the Rapid Support Forces RSF and offered to protect the sit-in of the movement around the General Command of the Armed Forces SAF and to carry it to its goal by force if it was not carried out by peaceful force.
He is frank about the fact that among his forces are militants from Niger, the Central African Republic, Chad and Libya, and even mentions with gratitude those who helped him from the Libyans.
This recognition of the foreignness of some of his forces and sources was not the subject of Al-Hadath Channel.
Jalha and some of his leaders appeared in a number of videos among their armed groups in their military uniforms to respond to the Rapid Support Forces RSF advisor. These responses help in understanding the composition of the Rapid Support Forces RSF that are waiting for Sudan to fall into their hands.
He said about his relationship with the Rapid Support Forces RSF that he is not from them but rather “he is the leader of the brave men of Darfur and the leader of the rapid intervention in Sudan.”
He stated that what unites him with the Rapid Support Forces RSF is the issue that he did not mention but rather mentioned its forces, who are the marginalized and honorable.
He said that he and Hemeti swore on the Quran to fight whoever fights the Brave Forces of Kordofan and to make peace with whoever makes peace with them. The same applies, of course, to whoever fights the Rapid Support Forces RSF and makes peace with them. Among the signs of the general’s independence from the Rapid Support Forces RSF is his mention of the name and rank of the commander of his movement’s military police and the name and rank of the commander of the Rapid Support Forces RSF military police as two parallel entities.
Rather, he said that this war is his war and he will continue it even if Hemeti leaves it.
Despite his alliance with the “Rapid Support RSF “, the general is upset by some aspects of it.
He mentioned by name Osman Operations of the prominent star in the leadership of the “Rapid Support RSF He came with an unclear complaint from him asking him to correct his information.
General Jalha denied having asked him for ammunition, gasoline, or approval for vehicles for his forces that finance themselves. He mentioned elsewhere that there is a group he called “drummers” around Hemeti who plot against him and attribute every reprehensible disaster to his forces.
It seemed that Jalha or those around him understood that this belittling of them, which came from an advisor belonging to the Rizeigat people, was issued by the “pride” of this group that is claimed to be the most influential in the “Rapid Support RSF.
Abu Judeh, one of General Jalha’s leaders, said that they in the Misseriya tribe do not accept this belittling of the general. The general in his words is not a general, he is in fact a field marshal. In the midst of “God is Great”, the speaker interrupted.
It seemed that Gen. Jalha monopolized the decision to go to war and did not wait for it from a higher command.
He issued an order while he was with a group of his soldiers to forces in many locations in Khartoum, Gezira and the White Nile to head to Khartoum within 72 hours.
He said, “People are gathering what they have gathered, so we will take action.” He asked about the number of vehicles prepared for this mobilization, and they counted 91 combat and service vehicles. It is not known who the opponent for whom Gen. Jalha mobilized these forces is. People guessed that he might have meant the Rizeigat in the “Rapid Support RSF which a “Rapid Support RSF advisor had underestimated.
There were even reports of clashes between the Misseriya and the Rizeigat in the Sports City area in Khartoum.
The general returned in a recent video to say that all of this was inspired by the Islamist remnants and their plots, and that the “Brave of Kordofan” forces even include the Rizeigat. One of the manifestations of the general’s independence in the decision to go to war is his statement that the violations committed by his forces should not be attributed to the “Rapid Support RSF as this would cause him embarrassment. If it was a sin, it would be hanging around his neck.
The general even became independent in his foreign policy from the “Rapid Support RSF and stuck to his position on threatening Egypt, Turkey and Iran because they supply the armed forces with weapons.
He said that they are the victims of this foreign supply of Mohajer, Sukhoi and Major 48 aircraft. He said, “I do not go back when I threaten.”
He turned to his gang around him, “We go back?” They shouted, “This is Sudan. This is our homeland.”
The general has the “tanbar” trait, which is one of the traits of knights in Sudan, in which they make exaggerated statements about their capabilities and entitlements before the battle, like Mohamed Ali Clay in wrestling.
He introduced himself as the leader of the “Brave of Kordofan” (they usually know themselves as the people of Gog and Magog), the leader of the marginalized in Sudan, the leader of the Union of African States, and even the leader of “sudden death.” He said in another place that he was the one who promoted Hemeti to the rank of Field Marshal and Chairman of the Sovereignty Council for the next 30 years after someone else had confirmed him in the first team. It is a decision that he said was issued by the 7th (?) Parliament and “if America does not accept to come to the field.” One of his phrases is that “the calamities fear only the calamities.” I do not know if America, when it dismissed the Sudanese Armed Forces SAFas a group of thugs like the “Rapid Support RSF had knowledge about the “Rapid Support RSF that would secure its efforts to restore the path of democratic transformation from General Jalha’s day without the “Rapid Support RSF ” itself. And Jalha’s day is not far away.

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