
Kidnapped Girls are being tortured and sold in “Al-Geneina”, “Umm Al-Qura” and “Al-Kajwai”

Report – Amir Abdel Majid

A short video of a girl who appears to be from the ethnicities that make up the Rapid Support Forces RSF in which she called for speeding up and working to rescue the girls kidnapped by the militia, reopened the file of what is known as (Khor Jahannam), to which the militia transferred thousands of Sudanese girls kidnapped from the areas entered by the militia, starting with Khartoum, passing through Gezira , and reaching the areas where they are currently located. The girl said in the video that spread on social media that what is happening to the girls in Al-Geneina is a stain on everyone’s forehead, and she specified the areas of (Umm Al-Qura) and (Al-Kajwai), and said that the militia detains the girls there, where they are being trafficked as girls from the Nile component, and brothels are being opened for the kidnapped girls there.

She added that the price of a thin girl is different from the price of a fat girl, and indicated that the kidnappers carry out severe torture of the girls on a daily basis In violent ways, she said that the girls do not know where they are, and called on the local and international community to work quickly to save the girls who are suffering from difficult and harsh conditions.

Violation of privacy :

Reports had previously indicated widespread kidnappings of girls by the militia for the purpose of trafficking them and using them in prostitution, which is something that the Sudanese have sensed through the news they receive from their acquaintances and relatives, so families are now seeking by all means to leave any city entered by the Rapid Support Forces RSF for fear of kidnapping or raping their girls. It has not been proven yet that the militia entered a city or village without violating its privacy and practicing rape and kidnapping against the residents, as it is noted that all the areas entered by the Rapid Support Forces RSF witnessed rapes and kidnappings of girls. It is true that the kidnappings in the beginning were not as widespread as they have reached now, but we were following on the media talks about kidnappings of girls and publications about missing women here and there… Meanwhile, widespread rapes were taking place in Khartoum in large parts of the areas where the Rapid Support Forces RSF were deployed, and you will not find records for these because Sudanese families often consider rape crimes a stigma for the girl, so they refrain from talking about them publicly and withdraw into their pain and wounds and seek ways to treat their daughter.

Enforced Disappearance :

The militia had started early to carry out widespread rape operations in Khartoum and even set up houses as collection points for the kidnapped girls, as happened in the city of Bahri, for example. One of the survivors, (M. H.), who was kidnapped from Al-Droushab, north of Bahri, and was taken to a house where she found (19) girls who had been kidnapped by the Rapid Support Forces RSF and forced to stay there to prepare food for the soldiers, wash clothes, etc., said M. that the soldiers there were using the girls as maids and nurses for the wounded and that they were suffering from the lack of drinking water and were deprived of food.

Bahri point is one of many points set up by the Rapid Support Forces RSF for the enforced disappearance of girls. There are other points in Bahri itself and in Khartoum and Omdurman, which supports the hypothesis that the work was systematic to transfer the girls at a later stage to Darfur and establish markets to trade them. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights had documented early in a report on Sudan the existence of 50 cases of sexual violence, including individual and gang rape, between April 15 and November 2, 2023. The Commission said in its report that the situation in the areas controlled by the Rapid Support Forces RSF was similar to slavery.

It later indicated in a statement that sources confirmed to it that cars carrying women and girls had left Khartoum for Darfur, which was indicated by identical sources, including the relief worker Muhib al-Din Faris and the journalist Al-Hadi Abdullah, who indicated that the kidnapping of girls had spread in Darfur.

They affirmed that the Rapid Support Forces RSF fighters who fled the fighting in Khartoum had transported dozens of kidnapped girls to Darfur, and they affirmed the existence of markets for selling girls in Al-Daien and North and West Darfur.

Gathering Girls :

The question here is about the Hell Markets and whether they exist in this area only?… The answer is no because many girls have been documented by local sources to be sold in other areas, such as the incident of the girl who was freed by her classmate in Kabkabiya and paid (600) thousand pounds to her kidnappers, or the incident of selling two girls for SDGs 1,700,000 and the buyer took them to the Ardamata area near Geneina. Everyone in the areas where the girls were gathered refuses to talk about the subject for fear of their lives, but one of them (who was sent to Port Sudan for treatment) who is from the ethnic groups that make up the militia said that he does not support its actions.

He confirmed the existence of the markets, but he said that they are not only linked to the Hell Market. He said that Khor Jahannam is not the name of a market, but the name of a village in North Darfur, which may have been a gathering point or where a market was set up to sell women kidnapped from Khartoum,Gezira , and some cities in Darfur. However, in general, I do not believe that the markets for selling girls in Darfur are limited to a specific area, and from what I have seen, the girls in the market come, as was said in the old books, as captives, chained, and they are called out and sold.

At prices starting from five hundred thousand pounds to one billion and a half billion depending on the color of the girl, as a girl with dark skin is sold at a lower price than a girl with white skin, and a girl kidnapped from Khartoum is priced higher than girls kidnapped from other states.

He added, “Some girls were sold to people from outside Sudan who came to the Hell Market from Chad, Niger, Mali and others. They paid in hard currency and bought girls who were transferred to Niamey, N’Djamena and others.”

He continued, “These markets are dynamic and are similar to markets that bear the names of days such as Tuesday and Wednesday markets and others. The market is in this place today and tomorrow in another place, and most of them are in the villages and villages and on the outskirts of the big cities in Darfur.” I asked him if these markets were still operating and he said, “I went out with my injury for treatment a while ago and I do not know what is happening there now, but according to my experience in dealing with these people, yes the markets are operating and whenever the Rapid Support Forces enter a new area, they send other girls to sell them there or to blackmail families and get money in exchange for returning their kidnapped daughter.”

He continued, “The matter has turned into a trade for the Rapid Support Forces RSF .

The girl brings them money by selling or returning her to “Her family,” he added, “in any case, the money will come to him, so why stop?”

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