
America… Plan (C)..!

Ali Askori

The war in Sudan is America’s war par excellence…!

Whoever believes that the Emirates is waging this war in its own right… is delusional..!

Before the war, US appointed its ambassador (Godfrey) to Sudan after decades of boycott..

The ambassador’s mission was not to build and develop bilateral relations for the benefit of the two peoples as is the usual role of ambassadors, but he came to implement control over our country through peaceful mechanisms if possible (the framework) and if that is not achieved, then war (the framework or war) as Hamdok’s boys announced.

The goal is to enable the FFC and the militia to control the country and then start looting it through a client government that is submissive and completely managed by Washington through the authorized agent.

Now, the plan to control through the framework has failed and the plan to control through war has also failed, and the militia has been struck and Saba’s hands have dispersed and turned into its first beginnings, a group of looters and bandits (the old forgotten one has become lost) who have no political goal and only target isolated remote villages to loot them.

With the failure of plans (A) and (B), they resorted to plan (C), and this is the first time that US has resorted to plan (C), as its method and approach is limited to plan (A) and (B) only, while plan (C), as we know from history, is their withdrawal (Vietnam, Iraq, and finally Afghanistan), and thus they resorted to plan (C) (unwillingly, your brother is not a hero), so the steadfastness of the army and regular forces forced them to search for plan (C)!

In fact, US and its agents did not want negotiations at all, and their plan was based on the fact that control of power would be achieved in a very short period of three hours or so, and they bought the tram from the militia leader and believed his lies!

After a month of fighting, they began to feel that things were not going according to plan, so they reluctantly suggested negotiations in Jeddah, hoping to share power between the militia and the SAF (return to the framework), and they made great efforts to involve the Forces for Freedom and Change as a political component.

The army’s insistence on the militia’s withdrawal from notables, homes and roads put them in a predicament, because implementing this would mean acknowledging the militia’s defeat.

Thus, Jeddah platform did not achieve what they were planning for, and they began to evade the agreement and search for an alternative.

They left the negotiations and adopted a policy of ignoring it in their statements, as if there was no agreement signed with their participation.

They will continue to try to circumvent it in Geneva!

The idea of Geneva negotiations is to bypass Jeddah agreement and search for a new combination that guarantees the militia and its daughter a share of the power cake and a (victorious) return to the seats of power. In other words, America is trying to obtain through negotiations what it did not obtain in war.

America believes that it can deceive the Sudanese again, as happened in Naivasha.

The second goal that serves America’s interests is to completely distance Sudan from heading east. The reality is that whenever Sudan takes a step towards the east, America will increase its pressure on the militia. In order to stop Sudan’s eastward move, America will sacrifice not only the militia but even progress. America can swallow and swallow many calamities except for the presence of a Russian base in the Red Sea..!

This is something that confuses and disturbs its calculations that it has drawn up since World War II, after it replaced the Europeans in leading the world.

The bottom line… America has interests that it seeks to achieve and our country has interests. America’s interests are its own business, but our country’s interests are to completely destroy the militia and its daughter (Progress) so that they do not exist in our country, compensate for the losses of the war, rebuild, and lift all sanctions imposed on our country by America and Europe.

If Geneva negotiations are committed to the exit of the militia and the interests of our country above… then there is no doubt about them.

But if America seeks to (suffocate) our country in an old-new empty game, then Plan (B) is ready!

This land is ours

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