
Indonesian President: We Support peace efforts in Sudan

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Hussein Awad, briefed Indonesian President Joko Widodo at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta on the current situation in Sudan, noting that Sudan is exposed to an unprecedented conspiracy involving international and regional powers.

He affirmed that Sudan is open to peace and peaceful negotiations by implementing the outcomes of Jeddah Forum.

As for the relations between the two countries, he expressed Sudan’s desire to cooperate with Indonesia in the fields of education, food security, infrastructure and reconstruction projects.

For his part, the Indonesian President asked to convey his greetings to the President of the Sovereignty Council, TSC and affirmed that his country supports peace efforts and ensuring the delivery of humanitarian aid.

The Indonesian President also thanked the Sudanese government for helping his country evacuate Indonesian citizens, and explained that Indonesia is ready to provide more humanitarian aid to Sudan when needed.

Foreign Minister Hussein Awad also met with his Indonesian counterpart, Retno Marsudi, and briefed her on the developments in Sudan as a result of the war, while Awad appreciated the government and people of Indonesia for the humanitarian and medical aid they provided during the war, noting that it expresses the sincere and historical brotherhood between the two countries.

The minister explained that the war in Sudan is imposed on it by regional and international powers that support Janjaweed militia with weapons and logistical support to kill and displace Sudanese citizens, and affirmed that the armed forces, supported by the Sudanese people, are doing their national duty to protect citizens, and have been able to break the back of the rebellion, leaving only some ruins.

He affirmed that despite this, the doors of the Sudanese government are open for just peaceful solutions based on the agreement that was signed in May of last year at Jeddah forum, which obliges the militia to leave the homes of citizens and civilian dignitaries, which the militia has not implemented to date, while regional powers are seeking another forum to circumvent it.

For her part, Retno Marsudi pointed out that the historical relations between the two countries require her country to stand by Sudan in its ordeal, and that she looks forward to Sudan witnessing permanent stability and peace.

She affirmed that negative interventions would further complicate the conflict, expressing her hope that the war in Sudan would end as soon as possible.

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