
FM: Regional Sponsors of the Militia Bear Responsibility for its Crimes against Humanity

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

Sudanese Foreign Ministry said on Saturday that the regional sponsors of the Rapid Support RSF Militia bear responsibility for its crimes against humanity.
The Foreign Ministry’s statements came against the backdrop of the attack carried out by the militia on the Omdurman Maternity Hospital “Al-Dayat”.
In a statement, the Foreign Ministry described the Rapid Support’s deliberate bombing of hospitals as an escalation in targeting humanitarian institutions.
The statement said that the Rapid Support RSF has continued to target operating hospitals and continues to occupy some of them, in clear violation of international humanitarian law and Jeddah Declaration, which was signed by both the army and the Rapid Support RSF in May of last year.
The statement held the regional sponsors who provide the militia with long-range artillery and drones, which it uses to bomb residential areas, villages and hospitals, responsible for these crimes against humanity, while calling on the United Nations, its specialized agencies and the international community to condemn these acts, which it described as “terrorist” and the systematic targeting of defenseless civilians and humanitarian institutions.

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