
Geneva Mediators Call for the Protection of Civilians and Aid Workers

Sudan Events – Reports
In a joint statement issued on Monday by the United States, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, the United Nations, and the African Union delegations gathered in Switzerland for talks on Sudan: “We aim to honor the commitment of humanitarian workers who have fallen in the line of duty through our continued efforts together in Switzerland to reopen all main arteries for food and medicine to reach millions of people facing acute hunger inside Sudan.”
The statement highlighted that since April 2023, at least 22 aid workers have been killed while working in Sudan, with at least 34 others wounded or injured.
The joint statement of the Geneva talks participants declared, “This is unacceptable.”
The statement expressed solidarity with all humanitarian workers, both Sudanese and international, in Sudan, who work tirelessly every day to serve those in need across the country. It clarified: “These workers often face immense risks in doing so.”
The statement urged the warring parties in Sudan to protect civilians and aid workers and respect their commitments under international humanitarian law, reaffirmed in the Jeddah Declaration. “We, who are gathered here, are committed to working for humanity, and we call on the parties to this conflict to do the same.”

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