
Somali Army Regains Control of Key Villages from Al-Shabaab

Sudan Events – Agencies 
The Somali army, in collaboration with allied forces, has regained control of several villages in the Gedo region of Jubaland State, southern Somalia, during a military operation conducted today. Army officers and allied forces reported that they successfully reclaimed these villages after defeating militants from the terrorist group Al-Shabaab. The military operation aimed to reopen routes between the towns of Luuq and Doolow in Gedo region.
The Somali forces have been fighting against Al-Shabaab, an affiliate of Al-Qaeda, for over a decade. The group has claimed responsibility for numerous attacks that have claimed the lives of hundreds of civilians and security personnel. Over the past few months, the Somali army has successfully retaken several areas that had been under the control of Al-Shabaab.
At least 11 people were killed in a terrorist attack on a restaurant in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, according to local police on Saturday. Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack. The police reported that a remote-controlled bomb was detonated at the establishment, with most of the casualties being civilians, while four others were injured. The police noted that the restaurant is popular with security personnel.
The United Nations recently issued security warnings to its personnel in Somalia, cautioning them about imminent terrorist attacks in the country. UN staff have been advised to avoid public gatherings and government offices.
Meanwhile, the Military Court of the Somali National Armed Forces in Puntland State executed ten members of the “Khawarij militias.”
According to the Somali National News Agency (SONNA), the executions took place in the city of Galkayo, where the convicts had previously committed murder. The Somali government uses the term “Khawarij militias” to refer to the Al-Shabaab group.

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