
The Complicit… as a Mediator!!

As I See

Adil Al-Baz

Only America can conspire with your enemy and then present itself to you as a neutral mediator with that very enemy! America has been addicted to this role, which it devised long ago and without shame. It started practicing this game in the days of the Bosnian and Herzegovinian War in the 1990s when it conspired with Britain in favor of the Serbs. It imposed an arms embargo on the Bosnians who were being slaughtered at that time, while it stood by watching the massacres until the Serbs had exterminated more than a hundred thousand Bosnian Muslims. America did nothing and allowed the genocide in Srebrenica, where the Serbs slaughtered eight thousand Bosnians in a matter of days, the largest genocide in Europe since the First World War. After it was too late, and after allowing the Serbs to commit massacres through their complicity, America rushed to play the role of mediator and called for the Dayton negotiations (1995) that ended the Bosnian War by dividing it after half of its population had been exterminated and displaced by the Serb criminals.
Today, the same scenario is being repeated with the same features and resemblance in Gaza. America is conspiring with Israel, sending it all kinds of weapons to exterminate the Palestinians there (more than forty thousand martyrs so far), and then it positions itself as a mediator by sending its Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, to the Middle East every week under the guise of mediating between Hamas and Israel to end the war. However its strategic goal is to prolong the war and allow Israel to exterminate as many Palestinians as possible. Blinken is now playing the same role as James Baker, Bush’s Secretary of State during the Bosnian War, who wasted time going back and forth while the massacres continued, with America conspiring with the Serbs under the guise of mediation. Now, after nearly a year, Mr. Blinken’s mediation has only resulted in more Palestinian blood and victims.
Today, in the war of the Janjaweed against the Sudanese state, America is practicing the same vile game. America and Britain imposed an arms embargo on Sudan in the Security Council, then allowed weapons of all kinds, including American weapons, to flow to the Janjaweed from Chad and other places, turning a blind eye to their ally state, which is openly arming and supporting the militia. America, the complicit, establishes a mediation platform in Jeddah with Saudi Arabia, and after the militia signs an agreement that should be implemented, it does not adhere to it, and America exerts no pressure on it, aiming to give the militia enough time to kill and take over more areas and cities. After realizing that the militia is unable to seize power, America withdraws from the Jeddah platform to establish another platform in Geneva, making itself the sole mediator in negotiations in which it does everything—setting the agenda, choosing participants and observers, and turning Saudi Arabia into a mere host for these negotiations, which failed thanks to the strong Sudanese stance that was not intimidated by America’s threats.
Imagine that America, the complicit mediator, sees the massacres in the homes of the Masalit and remains silent (just like in Bosnia). It sees the starvation policy practiced by the militia on millions of Sudanese, besieging and looting them, and does not even condemn it. It sees hospitals being bombed and women being raped, yet it does not issue a single statement to denounce these acts! Not only that, but it also prevents the Security Council from recording any condemnation of the Janjaweed’s violations, despite the presence of a UN report by UN experts documenting all these violations. Now, it has stopped the Magnitsky Act (the law that allows the U.S. government to impose sanctions on human rights violators worldwide by freezing their assets, banning them from entering the U.S., and possibly extending sanctions to other matters), which was supposed to be passed by Congress the day before yesterday to condemn and punish the militia. The Janjaweed’s funds in UAE banks, amounting to billions, remain untouched, without seizure or sanctions, allowing them to continue funding the Janjaweed war.
After all these blatant biases towards the enemy, America positions itself as a mediator in the Janjaweed war! Who, then, would believe this nonsense? America believes that with its false statements and pressure, it can pass all its policies that support the Janjaweed, to save them from the predicament they are in now as they search for any agreement that would restore some of the Al-Dagalo family’s kingdom, which has collapsed, and their armies, which have dissipated.
How, then, can you be a neutral mediator when you are biased towards one side of the conflict? How can you be a mediator when you support one side with weapons, silence, and policies? Who trusts such mediation? America has been addicted to this game worldwide, believing that it wields unbeatable influence and has enough leverage over regimes to allow it to be both Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde at the same time. Under pressure, threats, and intimidation, it insists that the conflicting parties accept this dual role. What arrogance, always brandishing sanctions and invasion!
Fortunately, now there is nothing America can threaten us with, for nothing is harsher than the war we are now waging against the Janjaweed. All its diplomatic weapons and pressures no longer frighten us and have become ineffective. We have become, thank God, the ones who decide what we will do as we please. Our national decision has been liberated, and we no longer fear anyone but God. This is one of the blessings of war upon us, and thank God. “But perhaps you hate a thing and it is

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