
Government Meeting Discusses Investment Map for Health Sector in North Kordofan

Sudan Events – Follow-ups
The Investment Committee of the Ministry of Health and Social Development in North Kordofan held a joint meeting with the state’s Investment Commission to discuss the investment map for the Ministry of Health.
The Acting Minister of Health and Social Development in North Kordofan, Dr. Iman Malik, stated that the ministry is seeking to find new revenue streams to sustain services in health institutions under the current circumstances by opening investment opportunities in the southern wall of the ministry’s headquarters and several other sites in health institutions.
On his part, the Director of Investor Services at the Investment Commission, Yaqub Barshim, commended the ministry’s efforts to implement revenue-generating projects according to the investment map, contributing to economic and social development. He confirmed that the commission grants investors several incentives, including customs and tax exemptions, in addition to insurance guarantees.
The committee members agreed that leasing for investment sites should follow the BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) model, adhering to the Ministry of Health’s regulations and World Health Organization guidelines.

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